Friday, August 17, 2012


What Branch Postmaster should not do ?

1. Absent himself from the office during office hours.

2. Admit strangers to the interior of the Post Office.

3. Make public any information obtained in the course of business.

4. Affix postage stamps to articles posted. This should always be done by the senders.

5. Take any fees from the public for filling up Money Order forms on rendering any similar service.

6. Return an article which has been posted to the sender without the authority of a Superintendent.

7. Allow parcels or registered or insured articles of the letter mail or Money Orders to lie scattered about the office, pending delivery or payment or dispatch to destination.

8. Issue receipt for registered articles of the letter mail or parcel mail or Money Orders on any but the authorized forms.

9. Allow any of his subordinates to help in packing the mail or allow runners or GDSMCs to be present when the mail is being packed.

10. Make erasures or obliteration in the books or documents of his office.

11. Retain a larger balance of cash then is absolutely necessary.

12. Allow his accounts with the postman, village postman, GDS DA to fall into arrears.

13. Delay the dispatch to the account office or applications for purchase of Post Office Certificates and omit to record the purchaser's address.

14. Omit to obtain the payee's signature or attested thumb impression over the words "Received payment Rs........p..... (in words and figures) on the certificate ( or acknowledgement) discharged.

15. Pay the value of Post Office Certificate without the sanction of the account office.

16. Retain warrants of payment beyond the period prescribed.

Source : GDS REFRESHER - complied by Com.K.V.Sridharan, GS, AIPEU Gr.C