Thursday, April 4, 2013




After a vertical split in the AIPEDEU on 8th April, 2012 at Mozri, Amaravathi, Maharashtra in its 8th Biennial All India Conference, the new GDS union is formed in the name of AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) under the banner of NFPE. With the support, cooperation and enthusiastic encouragement from all the affiliated unions of NFPE, the fast and rapid growth of new union is witnessed with its formation in almost all the Circles in a short span of 10 months period. As a logical conclusion the first All India Conference was held at Chennai on 21st & 22nd March 2013.

Tamil Nadu Circle came forward to hoist a historical event for GDS by conducting the 1st All India Conference of GDS (NFPE) exhibiting its total unity in the Circle among all affiliated Unions of NFPE which happened after so many years. All Circle leadership of affiliated unions of NFPE in Tamil Nadu Circle came to one dais on 31-12-2012 to form the Reception Committee under the Chairmanship of Com.K.V.Sridharan, Ex-General Secretary, AIPEU-Gr. ‘C’ and Com. K.Raghavendran, Ex-Secretary General, NFPE as General Secretary for the 1st AIC of GDS-NFPE and resolved to hold the AIC in the heart of the City itself by taking all pains to make it a historic success.

After the formation of a separate union for GDS (EDAs) in the back ground of  new Recognition Rules during January, 1999 conducted for 6 AICs in various stations in the country, but the present 1st AIC of GDS reflected the true spirit and ambitions of the legendary personalities of the postal movement by exhibiting its total unity, adore and affectionate reception for GDS from the leadership of NFPE,  which never took place for the last 14 years.

The 1st  All India Conference of AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) was scheduled  on 21st & 22nd March 2013 just after 10days of the historic and memorable 29th All India Conference of AIPEU Gr.C at Trivandrum. The same spirit exhibited in our 1st AIC also, all the arrangements were made exclusively by with unity and unanimity among the Postal working class. No GDS delegate might have forgotten their experiences in the earlier AICs, besides the recent one at Amaravathi and no comparison would be made with the present AIC in Chennai.

On 20th evening, the Central Working Committee meeting was held under the Presidentship of Com.Bijoy Gopal Sur. Com. K. V. Sridharan, former General Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C attended as Chief Guest. Com.N. Gopalakrishan, Working President, Gr.C (CHQ), Com.Veeramani, AGS Gr.C (CHQ), Com.Gopu Govindarajan, P-4 (CHQ), Com. Sivagudunadhan, Working President, AIPCPCCWF (CHQ) were also present and greeted the CWC meeting. Discussion on the Report and Audited Accounts had taken place and approved unanimously by the CWC and resolved to present it in the subject committee.

On 21st morning at 09-45am flag hoisting function was held by the Reception Committee in the premises of the conference hall. Com. K. Raghavendran, General Secretary, Reception Committee welcomed the leaders and delegates on this occasion. National flag, NFPE flag &  AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) flags were hoisted by Com. C. C. Pillai, President, AIPCPCCWF, NFPE, Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General NFPE & General Secretary Gr. ‘C’ (CHQ) & Com.Bijoy Gopal Sur, President, GDS, respectively. All the leaders and delegates paid homage with floral tributes at the martyrs’ column. The hall of the AIC was named as “Adinarayana Nagar” remembered the sacrifice and contribution made by Com. Adi, the legendary leader of Postal movement for the cause of GDS.

Com. K. Raghavendran, General Secretary cordially invited all the leaders to the dais and Com. K. V. Sridharan, Chairman of the Reception Committee as the Chairperson for the Inaugural session of the 1st AIC of GDS Union. Com.R.Dhanraj made his welcome speech in a  befitting manner.

The following leadership were present and addressed the inaugural session :

Com. Basudev Acharya, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, CPIM, Leader in Lok Sabha invited as the Chief Guest of the day.
Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary, P3 (CHQ)
Com. C. C. Pillai, Former Secretary General, NFPE,
Com. K. Raghavendran, Former Secretary General, NFPE,
Com. K. K. N. Kutty, Secretary General, Confederation.
Com. R. Sitalakshmi, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE,
Com. M. S. Venkatesan, General Secretary, ITEF,
Com. Ranghanadham, BSNL Employees Union
Com. Durai Pandyan, Convener, Coordination Committee, Confederation Tamil Nadu
Com. I. S. Dabas, General Secretary, AIPEU PM&Gr.D/MTS.,
Com.Giriraj Singh, General Secretary, R-III,
Com. K. Rajendra, Asst. General Secretary, R-IV.,
Com. R. Sivannarayana, President, AIPEU Gr.C (CHQ),
Com. Balwinder Singh, Financial Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C (CHQ)
Com. S. K. Humayun, President, AIPEU PM&Gr.D/MTS.,
Com.Santhosh Kumar, President, AIP AEA,
Com. Appanraj, Vice President, AIP SBCOEA,
Com.Bijoy Gopal Sur, President, GDS (NFPE)
Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, GDS (NFPE)
Com.Y.Nagabhushanam, Working President, AIPCPCCWF

Many other leaders viz., Com. K. Raghupathy, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE, Com. K. Raghupathy, Asst. Secretary Com.N.Gopalakrishnan, Working President, Gr.C (CHQ), Com.M.Subyramanyam, Dy. Genl. Secretary, Gr.C (CHQ), Com. Veeramani, AGS, Gr.C (CHQ), Com.Gopu Govindarajan, P-4 (CHQ), Com.Sarad Tharreya, P-IV (CHQ), Com.J.Ramamurthy, Circle Secretary, Gr.C, Com.Sankar, Circle Secretary, R-III, Com.Uma Sankar, Circle Secretary, AIPAOEU, were also invited and greeted in the session.

Com.Basudev Acharya is one of the best senior Parliamentarians in the Lok Sabha, getting good acquaintance with the problems of Gramin Dak Sevaks from the time of Com. Adinarayana onwards and contributed his good offices in many occasions for the cause of GDS. The Hon’ble MP assured the delegates to lead the postal movement, especially for the emancipation of GDS. He, on several occasions took an opportunity to raise the voice for GDS in the Floor of the Parliament and also about the Postal workers.

Com. M. Krishnan with his heart-touching speech elaborated the situation after the implementation of Shri Natarajamurthy Committee Recommendations, policies of the Dept. He presented the blue print of the future course of action of  NFPE for GDS employees and assured to conduct all the future programs along with GDS giving top priority to GDS issues..

All the leaders assured their total support and extended cooperation for GDS union and GDS issues along with all Central Govt. employees.
Session concluded at 2.00pm with the vote of thanks by Com.J.Ramamurthy, Convener, NFPE, Tamil Nadu Circle.

At 03-15pm post lunch session started. Com.Bijoy Gopal Sur, President, GDS (NFPE) (CHQ) invited as Chairperson. The Circle Secretaries of respective Circles deliberated their speeches and discussed on the agenda items.

The session of the day concluded at 8.00pm and adjourned to 9.00am next day i.e., 22-03-2013. A cultural program in the form of folk dance by the artists from Tirunalveli district was very attractive and the delegates became a part of it and enjoyed by many viewers for some time in the evening and the artists were felicitated by the Reception Committee.

The next session on 22nd March began at 9.30am, Com. Bijoy Gopal Sur, as President. Deliberations of GDS delegates representing from the Circles, Divisions along with Circle Secretaries took place. The session continued up to 1.30 pm. Just before the adjournment of the session, the chief cook Shri Srinivasan and maistry Shri Muthu were felicitated by the General Secretary, GDS for their tasteful & timely food for the delegates and visitors and their valuable contribution to the Reception committee..

At 2.30pm post lunch session continued with the speeches of GDS delegates and discussion on GDS issues, organizational issues in their respective Circles in a very detailed & impressive manner.

On the request of the Reception Committee, the leaders of NFPE felicitated all the committee members of the Reception Committee represented by all cadres and unions of Tamil Nadu Circle take part in this strenuous job of holding AIC, for their valuable contributions in all the ways to make it grand success in a very constructive way.  All General Secretaries. Circle secretaries and other leaders honoured the Reception Committee members with a resounding applause from the delegates.

The house was composed with the participation of about 800 GDS delegates representing from more than 250 divisions, 19 Circles, 10 CHQ office bearers 17 Circle Secretaries, with more than 300 visitors. Fraternal delegates from those circles where the circle/Divisional Unions are yet to be formed viz. Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, J&K assured to from the union in a short span of time. It is informed by some circles that because of financial problem in the divisions, due to non-recovery of subscription from the members, number of the delegates from the divisions are limited to minimum to attend the AIC, otherwise the total participation of delegates and visitors would have exceeded 2000.

The General Secretary’s Report, Audited Accounts of the CHQ, Constitution of the AIPEU-GDS(NFPE), along with GDS issues, Organizational issues were adopted unanimously by the  1st  AIC of AIPEU-GDS(NFPE).

Policy & Programme.: Before presentation of the Policy & Programme resolution of AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE made his inspiring and valuable speech with revolutionary greetings to the GDS Union. It is assured by the leadership on the total commitment of NFPE for the sake of GDS cadre and to strengthen the GDS union in all Circles by moving in a very swift manner to go ahead with preparations for the process of reverification. A phased program of action  announced with the participation of NFPE Unions at all levels in all the programs and in all the occasions.

Programme of action : 
(Dates will be announced after consultation with NFPE & other Unions:

April, 2013      – Mass  Dharna infront of all divisional offices
May, 2013       -  Mass Dharna infront of all PMG/CPMG offices
June, 2013       - Mass Dharna infront of Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
July/August, 2013- Parliament March
September, 2013 – Hunger fast infront of DO/RO/CO/Directorate
December, 2013 – Indefinite Strike.

The policy & programme resolution and the programme of action were adopted by the delegates with loud applause in the conference.

The following office bearers were elected unanimously in the conference:
Post of post election took place.

President                     : Com.Bijoy Gopal Sur (West Bengal)
Working President    : Com.Jai Prakash Singh (Uttar Pradesh)
                                       : Com.Smt. Asha Ben Joshi (Gujrat)
Vice President             : Com.Nirmal Ch. Singh (Orissa)
                                        : Com.Gana Acharya (Assam)
General Secretary        : Com.P.Pandurangarao (Andhra Pradesh)
Deputy Genl. Secy      : Com.R.Dhanaraj (Tamil Nadu)
Asst. General Secy      : Com.B.R.Jagdeesh (Karnataka)
                                         : Com.K.C.Ramachandran (Tamil Nadu)
                                          : Com.Virendra Kumar Yadav (Madhya Pradesh)
Financial Secretary      : Com.V.Murukan (Kerala)
Asst. Fin. Secretary     : Com. Avtar Singh (Punjab)
Organizing Secretary  : Com.Roshanlal Meena (Rajasthan)
                                          : Com.Chandra Narayan Chaudhary (Bihar)
                                         : Com.Virender Sharma (Himachal Pradesh)

Special invitees to the CWC meeting (with equal status of CHQ office bearers)
Com.Bipin Majumdar, Nagaon dn., Assam
Com.Akshay kumar, Circle Secretary, Haryana
Com. K.Muktar Ahmad, RMS’Z’ dn. Andhra Pradesh
Com.Durai, RMS ‘T’ dn, Trichy, Tamil Nadu

In addition one comrade each from Maharashtra, Jharkhand, J & K, Uttarakhand, Chattisgarh,  GDS Union.
Mahila Sub Committee (with equal status)
Other circles will also be coopted as CHQ office bearers.

Charman          : Com.Smt. Suprava Pal (Agartala, NE)
Convener         : Com.Smt. Yasmin taj (Karnataka)
Members         : Com.D.Padmavathi (Andhra Pradesh)
                        : Com.Salay George (Kerala)
                        : Com.B.Parvathi (Karnataka)
                        : Com.V.I.Lakshmi (Tamil Nadu)
                        : Com. Kaladevi Rajak (Madhya Pradesh)

Ms. Deepak Gour & Co., New Delhi is appointed as the Auditor of the CHQ. The Conference concluded at 05 PM on 22.03.2013, with vote of thanks by K.Raghavendran, General Secretary, Reception Committee.

Highlights of the Conference

i.                    The Reception Committee made Food and accommodation facilities to all the delegates & visitors in a very systematic way without any disturbance or disruption and arranged transport / conveyance to the conference hall.

ii.                  The patience shown by all the members of the Reception Committee deserves appreciation.

iii.                The participants/delegates did not leave the conference hall till the conclusion of the sessions of the day passionate and attention paid by them is very much appreciable, when compared to the previous AICs of GDS.

iv.                Com. Bipin Majumdar, Circle Secretary & All India office bearers (AGS) of AIPEDEU announced in the conference about his joining in GDS NFPE along with all his membership in Assam Circle. This is a very significant development for our Union in Assam. The decision of the comrade is very much appreciable.

v.                  Com. Asha Ben Joshi, the Circle Secretary, Gujrat recently joined in our GDS NFPE union called upon the delegates to strengthen our Union in all Circles.

The 1st AIC of AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) paved the way to unite all GDS comrades under the banner of NFPE and its affiliated unions creating up history in the postal movement in the country. This AIC proved that the sacrifices of the leadership in NFPE for the cause of GDS with unity and unanimity all GDS comrades will march forward with NFPE to fight against the onslaughts of the policies of the Govt. on working class and particularly against the GDS.

We once again it place on record our appreciation with red salute and revolutionary greetings to all the comrades who extended support and valuable contributions in general and all Tamil Nadu comrades and the Reception Committee members in particular for making this 1st AIC of GDS NFPE union a historic success and a memorable one.
(P. Pandurangarao)
General Secretary


CIRCULAR NO. PF/NFPE/Circular 2013 Dated – 30.03.2013

All General Secretaries NFEPE Affiliates
All Office Bearers of NFPE
All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries

Dear Comrades,


Due to the consistent efforts made by the Central Headquarters of the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, as a follow up action to the 12th December 2012 strike, a joint platform of action of all Central Government Employees including Railway, Defence and other C. G. Employees has emerged under the banner of All India Railway men’s Federation (AIRF), All India Defence Employees Federation (AUDEF) and Confedration Central Government Employees & Workers, mainly on two demands viz: Constitution of 7th CPC and withdrawal of FPRDA Bill. A meeting of the Central Leaders of the AIRF, AIDEF and Confederation has given a joint call to all Central Government Employees to organize nationwide mass demonstrations at all important cities on 29th April 2013 and also to send Telegrams to Prime Minister of India on the same day.

Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, during the 12th December 2012 strike itself, has demanded the constitution Seventh Central Pay Commission and also inclusion of the Gramin Dak Sevaks under the purview of the 7th CPC. All the Central Trade Unions including INTUC, BMS, HMS, AITUC, CITU, UTUC etc has also demanded constitution of 7th CPC in their joint memorandum submitted to the Finance Minster during the pre-budget discussion. Thus the demand raised by Confederation alone, has now become the common demand of entire Central Government Employees and also the Central Trade Unions.

NFPE call upon entirety of the Postal and RMS employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks to make the 29th April mass demonstration programmes a grand success by taking a lead role in mobilising maximum number of employees at all important cities under the banner of joint platform of action comprising AIRF, AIDEF & Confederation. Telegrams demanding constitution of 7th CPC and scrapping of the PFRDA Bill may also be sent to the Prime Minster of India by all General Secretaries, Circle Secretaries and Branch/Divisional Secretaries of affiliated unions of NFPE.


The 24th National Conference of the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers will be held at Kolkata from 4th to 6th May 2013. The Venue of the Conference is Sukanta Mancha, Beliaghate, Kolkata Inaugural session will take place at Shramik Mandal Kendra, Kanykurgachi, Kolkata - 54 on 4th May at 4PM. Delegates from about 107 Affiliated organizations are expected to attend the National Conference which is held once in three years. Number of eligible delegates of each affiliated organisation is decided based on the paid up membership as per quota remitted to the Confederation CHQ. Delegates fee is Rs. 500/- per head.

All affiliated unions of NFPE which are affiliated of Confederation also, are requested to send their delegates to the conference. Instructions may be given to the delegates to book up & down travel tickets immediately.


9th Federal Council of NFPE will be held at Hyderabad from 9th to 12th June 2013. The Circle coordinating Committee of NFPE Unions, Andhra Pradesh Circle, has formed a preparatory Committee and the initial preparation for the successful conduct of the Federal Council has already begun. Number of eligible Federal Councillors of each affiliated unions of NFPE will be basedon the quota remitted upto 31.03.2013, since the last Federal Council. List of eligible delegates showing the amount of quota remitted will be published shortly. General Secretaries of all affiliated unions of NFPE are requested to give instructions to their elected Federal Councillors to book the up & down travel ticket immediately.

4.      NFPE Eastern Zone Study Camp at Guwahati (Assam)

After the successful conducting of Southern Zone Study Camp at Chennai and Central Zone study camp at Vidisha (MP), the Eastern Zone Study Camp of all NFPE affiliated unions will be held at Guwahati (Assam) on 27th & 28th April 2013. The list showing the quota of the minimum number of delegates fixed for each circle union was circulated one month back. However, a copy of the same circular is enclosed herewith. All General Secretaries of NFPE affiliated unions are requested to give strict instructions to their circle Secretaries to fix the delegates immediately and also ensure their participation in the camp WITHOUT FAIL. Delegates may be instructed to book their up & down tickets immediately if not already booked. Programme notice of the study camp will be finalized shortly and will be sent separately. A seminar on Postal Services will be organized in Connection with the camp. Delegates attending the seminar are eligible for special casual leave.

Northern Zone study camp will be held in UP in the month of May/June 2013. Western Zone study camp will be held in Rajasthan and dates will be finalized shortly.


Federal Secretariat of NFPE will be held at Guwahati (Assam) on 26th April 2013. All General Secretaries are requested to attend the meeting at 11 AM on 26.04.2013.


29th AIC of AIPEU Group ‘C’ was held at Thiruvananthapuram from 2013 March 10th to 13th Com. R. Sivannaryana (Andhra Pradesh) Com. M. Krishnan (Kerala) and Com. Balwinder Singh (Delhi) are unanimously elected as the President, General Secretary and Financial Secretary respectively.


1st AIC of the newly formed GDS Union, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) on associate member of NFPE, was held at Chennai on 21st & 22nd March 2013. Com. Bijoy Gopal Sur (West Bengal), Com. P. Panduranga Rao (Andhra Pradesh) and Com. V. Murugan (keral) are elected as the President, General Secretary and Financial Secretary unanimously.


2nd AIC of SBCO Employees Association, an affiliate of NFPE, was held at Haridwar (Uttarakhand) on 2nd and 3rd March 2013. Com. S. P. Kulkarni (Maharashtra) Com. Virendra Tiwari (U.P) and Com. Rajiv Kumar (Haryana) are unanimously elected as the President, General Secretary and Financial Secretary. The Department has confirmed the recognition granted to SBCOEA and the rival unions attempt to de-recognise our union has failed in the Chennai High Court.


The Central JCA (NFPE & FNPO) has decided to submit a joint memorandum to the new Secretary, Department of Posts on the long pending major demands of the Postal & RMS employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks and Casual, Part-time, Contingent employees. Copy of the Memorandum will be published in the websites. JCA has decided to organize agitational programmes, if the demands are not settled in a time bound manner.

Yours fraternally,

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
