Friday, May 31, 2013


A meeting has been arranged in SRMU office, Egmore, Chennai to conclude the functioning of  Reception Committee formed for conducting the 1st All India Conference of AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) on 21st & 22nd March, 2013 in Dharma Prakash Kalyana Mandapam, Purushawakkam, Chennai – 84. A Souvenir has been released on the eve of 1st AIC, a memorable &  remarkable one.

It was on 31st December 2012, the Reception Committee formed in the presence of  Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE under the Chairmanship of Com.K.V. SriDharan, Com.K.Raghavendran as General Secretary along with the participation of NFPE leaders, Circle Secretaries of affiliated unions of NFPE, State Coordination Committee leadership of Tamil Nadu Circle for various Committees constituted under the Reception Committee, unforgettable contributions of ITEF and many other sister unions in Tamil Nadu. AIC conducted just after 2 ½ months and concluded after a period of 1 ½ months, total with in a period of 5 months, the responsibility shouldered for GDS by the Leadership proved their unity & ability in all capacities and released a Souvenir on this historic occasion.

The meeting Presided by Com.K.V.Sridharan, Chairman, Reception Committee and welcome address made by Com.K.Raghavendran, General Secretary, Reception Committee. Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) attended and unveil the copy of Souvenir.

Many leaders witnessed the meeting viz., Com.Sundaram (ITEF), Com.Kanniayan (R3), Com. S.Ragupathy Asst.Secretary General NFPE, Com.Srivenkatesan, President, Gr.C., Com.Gopu Govindarajan, P-IV CHQ, Com.Rajendran, Circle Secretary, P-IV., Com. S.Appanraj Ex-General Secretary SBCO,Com. N.Gopalakrishnan Working President P3 CHQ, Com. A.Veeramani Asst.General Secretary P3 CHQ, Com. K.Rajendran AGS R4 CHQ, Com. R.Dhanaraj Deputy GS GDS[NFPE] CHQ,  Com. Angel Sathiyanathan Chairperson Mahila Committee, Com. R.Manimekalai, Circle Convenor Mahila Committee, Com. R.Sankaran Circle Secretary R3, Com. Ragupathy Umashankar Circle Secretary Admn, Com. R.B.Suresh Circle Secretary Postal Accounts, Com. G.Kumar Ex-President P3 North, Com.K.Sudhakar, Gudur Division, Asst. Circle Secretary, Gr.C A.P Circle, (specially invited to the meeting  and honoured by the Reception Committee for his generous contribution on advance payment to the Reception Committee)  Com. R.Santhanam Assistant Circle Secretary R4 and many GDS leaders representing from Divisions attended and graced the occasion.
All the leaders who contributed their services for successful holding of GDS AIC were honoured by the Reception Committee besides the designers of the Stage and premises of AIC Com.Prem & Com.Lakshmi were honoured.

Audited accounts have been submitted by the Reception Committee with a surplus of about  Rs.1.5 lakh and the amount has been distributed among the organizations as our CHQ Rs.50,000/- and the Circle Union GDS, Tamil Nadu Rs.30,000/-, NFPE Rs.20,000/-, NFPE State Coordination Committee Rs.28,500/-, Confederation State Committee Rs.15,000/- etc,.

The Chairperson declared that the functioning of  Reception Committee formed for GDS AIC is concluded and meeting came to an end with the vote of thanks by Com.R.Kumar.

Chairman & General Secretary, Reception Committee  & invitees on the dais
Souvenir copy unveiled 
Leaders honoured by Reception Committee

Vote of thanks by Com.R.Kumar

It is informed that the copies of Souvenir will be sent by post  to all NFPE Leaders, GDS CHQ office bearers, Patrons, Sponsors, Donors etc., by the Reception Committee.

AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) CHQ  once again conveys its heartfelt greetings and indebtedness to the Reception Committee and all leadership of Tamil Nadu for their  benevolence  towards GDS Union.
