Saturday, September 21, 2013


Dear Comrades,
AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) along with Central JCA has discussed the following GDS issues with the Secretary, Department of Posts on 02-08-2013. Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary represented the AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) in the discussion. The following is the minutes of the discussion on GDS issues :

Item : a.  Enhancement of Bonus ceiling –
In the matter of enhancement of Bonus ceiling to 3500/- of Gramin Dak Sevaks, it was assured that another attempt will be made to get the approval of the Finance Ministry.  It was informed that the file has already been submitted to Finance Ministry with the favourable recommendations of the Postal Board and Minister, Communications.
Reply The proposal has been approved by Department of Expenditure on 21/08/2013.  The matter is now being placed before the Cabinet for approval.

Item : b. Revision of Cash handling norms-
On the issue of withdrawal of upward change in cash handling norms etc., it was assured that the entire issue will be re-examined.  A DDG level committee was also constituted.  Minister of State for communications has also assured the staff side that needful will be done in this case.
Reply: Data is being collected from all circles regarding financial implications in case the cash handling norms are revised.  Circles are being addressed to expedite response.  The proposal will be examined after the requisite data is collected. 

Item : c. Ensuring no reduction of TRCA under any circumstances –
It was assured by Minister of State for communications that orders for full  protection of TRCA will be issued.  But, in the orders issued by the Directorate, protection is given for one year only and thereafter if workload is not increased TRCA will be reduced without any protection.  As per the earlier orders protection was given up to the maximum of the lower TRCA even if workload is reduced.  As per the new order after one year there will be no protection at all.  When workload is reduced due to circumstances beyond the Control of the GDS, reducing the TRCA is quite unjustified and inhuman.
Reply : The remuneration of the GDS and the policy relating to the same is reviewed every ten years in consonance with the Pay Commission by a committee and accepted by the Finance Ministry and Cabinet for implementation.  The policy governing remuneration of GDS is related to work load.  If work load increases TRCA is enhanced.  On a similar analogy if work load reduces, there is an impact on TRCA. Protection provided for GDS / BPMs for a period of one year is a welfare oriented instruction guiding GDS to increase his work load during the one year period.  A fresh establishment review will be done for such post offices at the end of this one year period, which will end in October this year and a number of such offices identified and a decision will be taken. 

Secretary (Posts) urged the staff side to convince GDS to make efforts to increase the business which in turn will enhance the workload with consequent rise in TRCA or maintenance of TRCA at the same level.

Item : d. Removal of minimum 50 points conditions for GDS Compassionate appointment.
Reply : The data reveals that present norms have yielded  compassionate engagement to an extent around 30% - 35% of the cases which is much more than the regular departmental employees who are getting only 5% as per DOPT guidelines based on the Hon’ble Supreme Court judgement, which have restricted compassionate appointment to a maximum of 5% of the total appointment in Government service.  The point system cannot be relaxed further to enhance the compassionate appointment cases as it is presently much more than the Supreme Court judgement norms.

Item closed. 

Item : e.  Redeployment of GDS mailman posts in new areas 
Reply : The PJCA has accepted that this is a dying cadre.  Therefore, the work that was hitherto being performed by GDS MM will be reflected in the future Establishment of Mail as per justification. 

Item : f.  Review of cash conveyance allowance – Monthly ceiling of   Rs.50/- to be removed. 
Reply : Details will be ascertained from circles to know the average expenditure incurred every month by GDS / BPMs.  Proposal will be reviewed thereafter, so as to ensure that they are adequately compensated to cover cost.

Item : g.  Introduction of Health Scheme.
Reply : The proposal for GDS health insurance scheme is under active consideration by Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure. On 21/08/2013 Secretary (Posts) has demi officially addressed Secretary (Expenditure) to expedite the approval. 

Item : h.  Norms for RPLI.
Reply : GDS BPMs are already being given incentive on RPLI @ 10% of the first year premium towards RPLI policies and 2.5% of the renewal premium income collected by RPLI.  No further revision is necessary at this stage. 
Item closed. 

Item : i. Providing norms for cash remittance from BO to AO & Vice Versa.
Reply : The reply sent by Director (SR) vide letter No.8-4/2013-SR dated 22/04/2013 stands withdrawn.
A committee has been formed to look into this issue.  The proposal “norms for cash remittance from BO to AO – vice-versa”- will be examined on receipt of report of the committee. 

Additional item submitted by PJCA:-

While conducting promotional cum competitive exams from GDS to MTS, GDS and MTS to Postman cadre we are in receipt of several complaints from the examinees that the examination papers for the relevant examinations were very tough.  We tried to convince the Administration to set examination paper in liberal comprehensive manner with the intention that since the aspiring examinees are already in touch in the routine work and they are not required to face with complicated and extraneous nature of work and also to cut down the delay in recruitment process.   However, the Directorate has stuck up to its own decision that the above mentioned examinations are competitive and not promotional, liberalization could not be considered.  Due to the said decision by the Directorate it will be difficult to Department to hardly get 2 to 5% employees to fill up the vacancies earmarked from GDS to MTS for the designated job and the volume of vacancies will remain unfilled every year.  It is once again requested to simplify the questions.
ReplyA Committee has been constituted under the chairmanship of DDG (R&P) to examine the contents of Question Papers with reference to prescribed syllabus and submit a report on the standard vis-a-vis the post for which examination is being conducted and post which is appearing for the examination. 

In addition to the above, in the JCM (Departmental Council) Standing Committee meeting the following GDS items also discussed.

Item : Denial of relaxed standards to GDS in the appointment of Postal Assistants in the revised recruitment rules - regarding.
Reply : The issue involves amendment of Recruitment Rules.  It is being examined and decision will shortly be taken in this regard.

Item : Special drive for residual vacancies.
Reply : For filling all the unfilled vacancies of Multi-Tasking Staff and Postman / Mail Guard in Subordinate offices and Circle / Administrative offices, necessary instruction was issued to all Circles vide letter No. 45-2/2011-SPB-I dated 18/10/2012 with the direction to take action to fill up all the vacant posts of earlier years latest by 30th June, 2013.  The drive is over and a status report from the Circles has since been called for to review the position.

Item : Fixing norms for Postmen work
Reply : The norms were formulated after scientific work study by IWSU in 2008.  Since five years have already lapsed, it was decided to conduct another study by Departmental Officials or by a third party to review the postmen norms.  This decision was taken in a meeting held on 02/08/2013 under the chairmanship of Member(P).


The so called recognized GDS Union has not held any disucssion with Secretary, Department of Posts or with Postal Board Members, only AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) along with JCA has raised the above issues and discussed with the Authorities.

While the so called recognized GDS union has decided to stop all agitational programmes, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) is marching ahead with the Indefinite strike ballot on 11th, 12th & 13th November 2013 and Parliament March on 11th December 2013.

Due to fear of losing recognition and also for existence of the leaders, the so called recognized GDS union has compromised with the Department.

