Monday, September 2, 2013


Cabinet is likely to approve GDS bonus ceiling for Rs.3500- in the ensuing meeting:

After clearance of the Department’s proposal of Rs.3500-  bonus ceiling to GDS by the Ministry of Finance during 3rd week of August, the process for cabinet approval has started and a note has been submitted by the Department to the Min. of Finance to submit for further approval in the Cabinet meeting. It may be expected in the ensuing meeting of the Cabinet.


It is always an admitted fact that every time the GDS issues are resolved with the continuous efforts of NFPE & JCA and at times by Confederation, none can claim on their own or for their own. One can’t deny that the Committee (Shri Alok Saxena Committee) for reviewing the GDS bonus issue only after 12.12.12 one day strike.  It is the issue of 2.7 lakh Gramin Dak Sevaks and not limited to a section or a class which claims for their fancy. Information published or conversant to the members explicitly depends upon the context and source but not on the mere exposure. We are not interested to make it another issue to create confusion and things left to the diplomacy of the so called claimants.

However, all details will be published on receipt of the information obviously.

General Secretary