Monday, September 23, 2013

NORTH ZONE STUDY CAMP - GHAZIABAD - 22-09-2013 (2nd Day)

22-09-2012 (2nd day)
Venue : Aapka Bhawan, Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad
Chair : Com.Subash Mishra, Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C, UP Circle
Class :"Service Rules & Role of Unionists"
Lecturer : Com.K.V.Sridharan, Leader, JCM (Staffside)
The lecture on the subject followed with Power Point Presentation.
The speech is translated in Hindi by Com.R.N.Parashar, Asst. Secy. General, NFPE.
Leaders attended & addressed :
Com.R.Sivannarayana, President, AIPEU Gr.C (CHQ)
Com.N.Subramanyan, Dy. Genl. Secy, AIPEU Gr.C (CHQ)
Com.Balwindersingh,Fin. Secy, AIPEU Gr.C (CHQ)
Com.P.Suresh, General Secretary, R-IV
Com.K.K.Sharma, Vice President, NFPE
Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE)
Com.Y.Nagabhushanam, Wkg. President, AIPCPCCWF (CHQ)
Com.S.B.Yadav, Dy. Genl. Secretary, AIP AEA
Com.V.K.Tiway, General Secretary, AIP SBCOEA

Question & answers session conducted by Com.K.V.sridharan.

Vote of thanks : Com.R.N.Parashar