Monday, November 4, 2013

Declaration of Bonus on RPLI Policies for the year 2009-2010 -- Gazette Publication

Published in Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part1, Section I, No 244 dated 28th October, 2013.
Simple Reversionary Bonus rate for the year ending 31.03.2010 on the Rural Postal Life Insurance Policies on their becoming claim, due to death or maturity:-

Type of Insurance Policy
Rate of Bonus
Whole Life Assurance (WLA)
Rs.65 per thousand sum assured
Endowment Assurance (EA)
Rs.50 per thousand sum assured
Endowment  Assurance (AEA)
Rs.47 per thousand sum assured
Convertible Whole Life Policies
Whole Life Bonus would be applicable but on conversion, Endowment Bonus rate will be applicable

The rate of Bonus for the year 2009-10 will be applicable from the date of receipt of this notification by the Circles and this will also be applicable to claim cases received but not settled till the date of receipt of this Notification.
Interim Bonus at the rates mentioned above will also be payable for all claims arising due to maturity or death until future valuation is completed.
View the Original Order:
