Monday, January 27, 2014

Some precautions and guidelines to Circle Secretaries/Divisional Secretaries about strike

1.  Whether All circulars issued by CHQ, NFPE, Confederation in both languages English and Hindi are received or not? If not received copy from P3 CHQ website.

2.  Based on CHQ circulars whether circulars were issued by Circle Union/Divisional Union in local language? If so please send copy to CHQ. If not please issue immediately.

3.    Whether date for All India leaders meeting was fixed or not? If so whether the date was informed to all India Leaders or not? If not inform immediately.

4.     Whether posters were published or not? If not publish immediately.

5.    Whether Circle Union/Circle Office Bearers tour was planned or not? If not plan it now itself.

6.     What is strike position? Please inform Division wise. If there is any problem for cent percent strike in any Division, the Circle Secretary must visit the Division and set right the things.

7.     Please do not trust rumours. If any doubt please contact P3 CHQ, NFPE HQ.

8.     From 1st February 2014 hold demonstrations, gate meetings in front of work spot to educate about strike demands. Every member should be contacted.

9.     Please issue phampletes addressing the public to get their support.

10. If any declaration asked by the Department, you have to mention “NFPE has given a call for 2 days strike on February 12th & 13th, 2014. Being a member of NFPE I shall participate in the strike ”

11. Please do not bother about the threatenings by the Department.

12.From 5th February 2014 onwards every Divisional Secretary has to inform the position day to day to Circle Secretary and every Circle Secretary has to inform to CHQ and NFPE.

13.Please take advice and assistance from local Central Trade unions, Employees unions and middle class organisations during strike period.

14. Please hold press conferences, issue press statements.

15. Please hold a big procession on 11.02.2014.

16.Make the 2 days strike a victorious one.