Thursday, February 13, 2014

RED SALUTE & CONGRATULATIONS .....................

AIPEU GDS (NFPE) CHQ  extended its RED SALUTE & CONGRATULATIONS  to all the GDS comrades on the success of the TWO DAYS STRIKE. 
It is an appreciated fact that even though our union has to establish in many divisions and circles, the comrades voluntarily came forward and participated in the strike. In all the 22 Circles, the GDS members participation proved their regards & solidarity towards the call of NFPE and made this a historic one.
Our CHQ received a very good response through hundreds of phone calls from the GDS comrades representing all the circles extended their cooperation and expecting much more from AIPEU GDS (NFPE) & NFPE.
Preliminary reports received from the Circles revealed that about 80% of GDS are participated in this two days strike.
Our CHQ once again thanking all for their earnest cooperation to made this strike a grand success.