Friday, July 11, 2014


Dear Comrades,
AIPEU GDS (NFPE)  CHQ decided to start  struggle programme in a phased manner to settle our prime demands with the new Government in the light of 7th Central Pay Commission.

A detailed Circular has already been issued by our CHQ and circulated to all CHQ Office bearers, Circle Secretaries, Branch Divisional Secretaries, active comrades  to mobilize the GDS members in such a way to make the struggle programme a grand success and to attract the attention of the Govt.

All our struggle programmes have been endorsed by NFPE and all affiliated Unions at all levels with fullest cooperation and participation.

Our demands are genuine and legitimate ones. We lost many good opportunities in the past as the reasons and circumstances are well known to all in general and our GDS (NFPE) members, now,  in particular. We are looking forward and march ahead with united struggles with NFPE and its affiliated Unions.

An indirect signs of the policies of the present Govt. is some what visible and can be exampled with the recent developments. However, our postal working class is getting prepared for the cause of GDS this time. We have to move, mobilize and consolidate our strength to go for a series of struggles to settle our demands i.e., Departmentalization of BOs, Granting Civil Servant status for GDS and our wage structure and service conditions to be considered by the 7th CPC itself.

We have to prove our capacity in the ensuing united struggle programmes which other GDS Union has no such opportunity. 


A copy of Memorandum is being prepared and sent to all Divisions to collect signatures from the GDS members in a very large number. The collected material should be sent to CHQ at the earliest to submit to the Govt.