Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Dear Comrades,

We have started our struggle programme to focus our genuine and legitimate demands of GDS to the new Govt. with full vigor and militancy, unitedly. Ours is the first to begin the struggle to attract the attention of the Govt., and Department over the issues of GDS in the light of 7th Central Pay Commission.

A very militant  and good response to the call given by AIPEU GDS (NFPE) in the first phase i.e., “A day long dharna infront of divisional offices”. 

Preliminary reports received by CHQ that in all the circles, the programme is observed by the GDS (NFPE) union with the participation of  NFPE members and leaders of affiliated unions successfully. In some divisions the call is observed with the limitations permitted by rain, local conditions etc., however, it is a grand success to our Union

It is reported that in AP about 30 divisions, Kerala total divisions, Odisha 19 divisions, WB 95%, Assom 7 divisions, Tamil Nadu more than 30 divisions, Gujrat 12 divisions, Karnataka 13 divisions (poor in some places because of rain) dharna programme observed.

On receipt of full report from all corners, it will be published in a detailed manner.

The General Secretary attended and addressed in Tirupati Division. The programme was inaugurated by Hon'ble MLC, Shri Y.Srinivasulureddy and the SPOs, Tirupati also addressed the gathering.

Mass Dharna Infront Of Gudur Head Post Office as per the call of NFPE/AIPEU GDSNFPE

In morning session CITU Gudur DN Secretary Com T Venkata Rami Reddy & LIC Union Representatives Com Audi Narayana,Durga Rao& Venugopal Participated and extended their full support to our agitataion  

A dharna program has been conducted at Ongole HO on 16-07-2014 with a participation of GDS comrades all over from the Prakasam Dn. The Dharna program has been inaugurated by Com. K.Venkateswarlu , P3 D/s , Com. D.Mohanarao, P3 AP C/VP , Com. P.Sankaranaik, D/S P4. Com. S.Nagireddy DS GDS , Com.P.Venkateswralu ACS GDS have organized the dharna. Com. D.Padmavathi , Chair women , AP Mahila committee has also addressed the gathering. 

Com. K.Veeraswmy reddy , D/President , FNPO extended coopration to the program.


AIPEU GDS (NFPE) CHQ conveys heartfelt thanks to all the Comrades caused to make the programme a grand success.