Monday, June 29, 2015

PLI - Loan conditions -- an information

Loan is admissible on : 

Whole Life Assurance (WLA), 
Endowment Assurance (EA) and 
Convertible Whole Life Assurance (CWLA) policies.

Time factor :

Currency of policy should be minimum of 3 years in case of EA and CWLA.
Currency of policy should be minimum of four years in case of WLA.
Policy should be unencumbered/ unassigned.

Loan Limit:     
(a) Whole Life Assurance

Currency of Policy Percentage of surrender value on which loan is admissible
More than 4 years to 7 years 60% 
More than 7 years to 12 years 80%
More than 12 years 90%

(b) Endowment Assurance & Convertible Whole Life Assurance

Currency of Policy Percentage of surrender value on which loan is admissible

More than 3 years to 5 years 60%
More than 5 years to 10 years 80%
More than 10 years 90%
  • Insurant should apply on LI-35 (loan application) and send to nearest CPC (at any HPO) along with policy document and premium receipt book or PDOC. Second and subsequent loan is admissible. (can be availed any time after repayment of previous loan) 
  • Second and subsequent loan is admissible after a year if the first loan is fully repaid. 
  • Loan interest @ 10% p.a is calculated on six monthly basis.