Monday, July 27, 2015

2nd September 2015 - Strike campaign meeting - Hyderabad

Nationwide one day strike call given by Central Trade Unions & Federations, on 2nd September 2015, supported by CCGEW, NFPE & AIPEU GDS (NFPE) leaders on strike tour from 27-07-2015.

As per the schedule, today in Hyderabad, a large gathering of Postal Employees infront of Circle Office was addressed by Com.T.Satyanarayana, General Secretary, AIP AEA & Com.P.Pandurangarao.

Circle Coordination Committee Convener, Com.K.Ramachandram organized the meeting. Com.D.Narasimhamurthy, Com.Balaswamy, AIPAEA, and leaders of AIPAOEU, Com.L.Kishansingh, AIP SBCOEA were present and addressed the meeting.