Thursday, September 3, 2015



The Reception Committee for 2nd All India Conference of AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Shimla is taking all necessary measures to their best for the successful holding of the Conference.

Reception Committee is heartfully welcoming all GDS comrades, Leaders of NFPE & Trade Unions, All India / Circle / Divisional level leaders, members of affiliated unions from all Circles & well-wishers to participate in the GDS conference.

Reception Committee for 2nd All India Conference of GDS (NFPE) & CHQ of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) requested all the members and leadership of affiliated unions, Postal coop societies of all Circles, esteemed organizations  for financial contribution in the form of advertisements to publish in the Souvenir and to hold the All India Conference in  a successful manner. Souvenir Brochure is also sent to all the concerned.

It is requesting to send the payments through :

RTGS / NEFT to Account No.472200010001655,
Punjab National Bank –
IFSC code -  PUNB0472200.

Cheques / DDs drawn in favour of :

General Secretary / General Convener
AIC, All India Postal Employees Union GDS (NFPE)

This is for favour of information to all our beloved comrades & well-wishers.

Hope the needful and thanking you.

Com.Purushottam Chauhan              Com.Virendra Sharma          Com.P.Pandurangarao
General Secretary                                     General Convener               General Secretary
Reception Committee                               Reception Committee        AIPEU GDS (NFPE)