Sunday, January 29, 2017


The 2nd Biennial Divisional Conference of AIPEU GDS has been held on 29-01-2017 in the premises of Ambathur HO, Chennai.

Com.J.Ramamoorthy, All India President, Gr.C & Circle Secretary, Gr.C., Tamil Nadu circle inaugurated the conference. Com.K.V.Sridharan, Former General Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C., & Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS attended as Cheif Guests.

Com.K.V.Sridharan elaborately explained about the recommendations of Shri Kamalesh Chandra Committee.

Com.R.Sivannarayana, Former All India President, AIPEU GrC., Com.A.Veeramani, Asst. Genl Secretary, AIPEU GrC (CHQ), Com.R.Dhanraj, Dy Genl, Secretary, AIPEU GDS., Com.D.Sivagurunathan, All India Vice President, AIPCPCCWF., Com.Manimeghalai, All India Mahila Committee. Gr.C., Com.P.Suresh, Asst. Circle Secretary, P4, TN Circle, Com.Madaswamy, Pensioner's Association, Com.Ashokan, Divl, Secretary, Gr.C., Ambathur, Com.Selvakumar, Br. Secy., Gr.C., Tambaram, Com.Siva Kumar, Br Secretary, Gr.C., Avadi Br and many other leaders attended and addressed the meeting.

More than 200 GDS Comrades attended and graced the meeting. The arrangements made by Com.Ashokan, Com.V.S.Giri, Com.Suresh and team is appreciated.

 A new set of office bearers elected unanimously for AIPEU GDS, Tambaram division for the ensuing period.

President : Com.J.Bharathiraja
Secretary: Com.V.A.Palani
Fin Secy : Com.C.Jothibabu

AIPEU GDS CHQ  conveyed heartfelt thanks and congratulations to the comrades of Tambaram for conducting the conference successfully.