Monday, February 5, 2018

Notice :: 3rd AIC :: AIPEU-GDS

(An associate member of National Federation of Postal Employees)  
CHQ: Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Road, New Delhi – 110008
   President:               Bijay Gopal Sur                                                    e-mail   :
 General Secretary: P. Pandurangarao                                 Website:

No. AIPEU-GDS/AIC-3/Allahabad/2018                                                          Dated -22--01-2018

Under the provisions of Article-22 of the Constitution of AIPEU-GDS, it is hereby notified that the 3rd All India Conference of this union will be held on 16-03-2018 & 17-03-2018 In Coral Club, Civil Lines side,  Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh Circle

The Conference will commence at 10.00 am on 16-3-2018.
The Conference will be presided by Com. Bijoy Gopal Sur, President of AIPEU-GDS.

All the delegates are requested to attend the Conference well in time.
The following shall be the agenda of the Conference.

1.      Consideration and adoption of the Biennial Report.
2.      Consideration and adoption of Accounts for the financial years of 2015-16 & 2016-17.
3.      Organisational review.
           (i)     CHQ functioning & Activities.
        (ii)   Formation of branches at Circle/divisional levels & strengthening of Organization
        (iii) Review of Agitational programmes of AIPEU-GDS, NFPE & Confederation of CGEW.
        (iv)  5 days relay Dharna in front of  Parliament & struggle programmes
4.      GDS Pay committee recommendations & implementation thereof.
5.      Verification of Membership
6.      Journal - GDS Crusader
7.      Issues of GDS.
         (i)     Departmentalisation of Branch Post offices.
        (ii)   Grant of Civil status & related issues.
         (iii) An analytical view of memorandum submitted to Shri Kamalesh Chandra Committee
         (iv)  Introduction of RICT & computerization of BOs.
         (v)    BD activities & incentive work introduced in BOs.
          (vi)  Fixing of targets by department on opening of accounts & PLI/RPLI in BOs.
(vii)   India Post Payment Bank & BOs.
8.      GDS – court case filed in Supreme Court, High Court & Pr. CAT Delhi.
9.      Ensuing struggle programmes.
10.  Review of financial position of CHQ.
11.  Problems of women GDS employees.
12.  Finalizing venue for next  AIC.
13.  Election of office bearers, Nomination for Mahila Committee and appointment of Auditor.
14.  Policy & Programme.
15.  Resolutions on GDS issues.
16.  Any other subjects with the permission of the Chair
Yours fraternally,

(P. Pandurangarao)
General Secretary
Copy to: -
1. Com. Bijoy Gopal Sur, President, CHQ, at Manushpur, West Bengal – 712 123
2. The Secretary, Dept. of Posts, New Delhi for favour of information.
3. All CHQ office bearers
4. All Circle Secretaries of AIPEU-GDS.
5. All Divisional & Branch Secretaries of all Circles.
5. The Secretary General, NFPE, New Delhi.
6. All the General Secretaries of affiliated Unions of NFPE.
7. The Chairman, Reception Committee for favour of information.
8. Spare.

(P. Pandurangarao)
General Secretary

All the CWC members ( CHQ Officebearers & Circle Secretaries, Mahila Committee members) are informed that the CWC meeting will be held on 15-03-2018 in Postal Recreation Club, Allahabad HO at evening  05.00pm (17.00hrs). Please ensure your present well in time to attend the meeting positively.

Yours fraternally,

General Secretary