Thursday, March 8, 2018

AIPEU-GDS :: 3rd All India Conference :: Allahabad (UP)

All CHQ Office bearers
All Circle Secretaries
All Division/Branch Secretaries/Conveners
All Mahila Committee Members

Dear Comrades,

Our All India Conference is ahead  just 7 days. Delegates from most of the Divisions from all Circles are getting ready to attend the Conference.

Situation is gloomy. No proper response from the Department regarding our GDS Committee. Govt is on its way & keeping aside the interests of GDS. 

Membership verification process has been stopped abruptly. Further no response and no progress. This is another area of  disregard towards trade unions.

Impracticable & unscientific targets are being imposed on GDS every where in the circles and GDS are crying on thrust of the officers.

We have to discuss & analyze the situation elaborately and to decided the future course of action.

GDS comrades from all over the nation are most welcomed to our 3rd All India Conference and make it a grand success.

General Secretary