Tuesday, July 17, 2018


The Telangana Circle AIPEU-GDS Circle Council Meeting was held on 15-07-2018 in Khammam. The meeting presided by Com.G.Srinivasarao, President, AIPEU-GDS, Telangana Circle.  Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary attended as Chief guest. Com.K.N.Chary, Orgg. Genl Secretary, AIPEU-GDS, CHQ  was also present.

Veteran Leader Com.Ramasasthry, inagurated the meeting. Other NFPE leaders Com.D.Nageswararao, Gr.C., Com.N.C.R.Rao,D/S, Gr.C., Asst Circle Secretary, P4., Com.Kalyana Venkateswarlu, General Secretary, CITU, Khammam, Com.Narasimharao, President, CITU, Khammam were also present and addressed.

Com.N.Sammaiah, Circle Secretary presented the brief report on the agenda items. Elaborate discussions were took place on the GDS Committee, implementation of recommendations, membership verification and other organizational issues.

Some important resolutions were proposed and resolved in the meeting on GDS issues. Meeting concluded with the vote of thanks offered by Com.G.Srinivasarao.

The team of comrades viz., Gurram Venkatanarayana, Hon'ble President, GDS, Com.Prasadarao, Com.Prabhakar, Com.Ramarao, Com.Ramaiah made very good arrangements for the success of the meeting, even though there was rain and bad weather. It deserves all appreciation.
The ex-Circle Office bearer (GDS) and present Circle Office bearer (P4), a militant comrade Com.A.Lingaiah (Suryapet) was felicitated by GDS Circle Union on his retirement from service.