Tuesday, August 21, 2018

GDS Convention - West Bengal Circle : 19-08-2018

A convention of GDS Members representing from all Divisions of West Bengal Circle has been held on 19-08-2018 in the Union Building, Baruipur, South Presidency Division, West Bengal Circle.

The meeting presided by Com.Asish Dutt, President, AIPEU-GDS, WB Circle. Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary attended as chief guest and addressed.

Many other leaders viz., Com.Bijoy Gopal Sur, Ex-All India President, GDS, Com.Tapan Bharti, Working President, GDS, Com.Tapan Bhowmik, Circle Secretary, GDS, Com.Tapan Dass, former President, Gr.C., Com.Janardhan Majumdar, Dy. General Secretary, Gr.C(CHQ), Com.Anis Biswas, Circle Secretary, Gr.C., Com.Sanathan Das, Circle Secretary, P4., were also present.

Previous day i.e., on 18-08-2018, there was a meeting of all Branch Divisional Secretaries and Office bearers of Gr.C., P4., GDS was held in Baruipur HO. 

On 19-08-18, afternoon there was another meeting held for the Divisional Union of South Presidency in the HO.

Com.Adhir Das, Working Chairman, Reception Committee and his team organized all the meetings and made good arrangements for the delegates deserves all appreciation.