Monday, December 17, 2018

AIPEU-GDS :: Srikaulam divisional conference (AP circle) on 16-12-2018

A joint Biennial divisional conference of  AIPEU-GDS with AIPEU GrC., & P4 Unions of Srikakulam division has been held on 16-12-2018 in Vidyananda Bhawan, Srikakulam under the presidium of Com. J.Sudarsanarao (GrC), Com.T.Venkateswarlu (P4) & Com.B.S.R.Murthy Naidu (GDS).

Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS attended and addressed the conference. Com. K. Srinivas, President, CITU, Srikakulam attended and greeted the conference. Com.A.P.Papaiah, OCS, GDS, Com. M. Nageswararao, Circle President, AIPEU-GrC., Com.E.Sankaranaidu, Vice-President, Gr.C., Com.Satyarao, OCS, P4 and many other leaders of Srikakulam, Parvathipuram & Vizianagaram divisons were also present and graced the conference.

A set of new organizing body has been elected unanimously for the ensuing period for all the divisional unions of Gr.C., P4 & AIPEU-GDS Srikakulam Division.