Monday, July 25, 2022

AIPEU GDS :: Maharashtra & Goa Circle Conference - Solapur ...(24-07-2022)

The 2nd Biennial Circle Conference of AIPEU GDS Maharashtra & Goa Circle has been held on 24-07-2022 in the Conference hall of N.B.Navale Singhad  College of Engineering Institutions, Solapur.

Meeting Chaired by Com.Raj Bansode, President, AIPEU GDS, Maharashtra Circle. Welcome speech by Com.Rajkumar Atkare, Circle Secretary, AIPEU GDS & The Conference inaugurated by Com.Ajit Abhyankar, CITU Leader. 

Com.Janardhan Majumdar, Secretary General, NFPE, Com.D.B.Mohanty, General Secretary, AIPEU PM&MTS., Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS were present and addressed the conference.

Many other leaders of NFPE viz., Balkrishna Chalke, Ex All India President, P4., Com.R.P.Sarang, Dy G/S & Circle Secretary, P4., Sr. Leader Com.Sasane, P4., the Circle Secretaries and Office bearers of NFPE unions attended and addressed. 

About 400 delegates including a large number of Mahila Comrades attended and graced the conference.

A new set of organizing body has been elected for AIPEU GDS Circle Union of Maharashtra & Goa Circle unanimously for the ensuing period.


AIPEU GDS CHQ conveyed its greetings and congratulations to the Circle Union of Maharashtra & Goa and thankful to the leader of NFPE for their support and cooperation for the success of the Conference. Com.Atkare and their team made all good arrangements and deserves all appreciation.
