Monday, July 11, 2022

Importance of 11th July in the Postal Trade Union Movement ....

Red Salute to the glorious memories of 76th anniversary of the 11th July 1946, 25 days P& T strike against the anti-labour, Slavery & denial of basic rights by British Imperialism 

62nd, Anniversary of 1960 Strike against denial of Natural Justice, Demand for Minimum Wage & DA against the Post independent Govt. 

Long Live. Long Live. 

Salutes the Martyrs who laid their lives, Career & Sacrifices for  we the future Generations. 

Let's today's Working Class resolve & dedicate to continue the Struggles against the anti  Working Class Policies of the Central Govt by way of Selling, Outsourcing, Privatizing, & Contractualising or Closing down of Public Sector enterprises to the greedy Corporate. 

Workers unity Zindabad. 

Workers Morcha Zindabad. 

Inquilab Zindabad.



July 1960 Historic CG Employees Indefinite Strike!

It was really historic indefinite strike by CG Employees in July 1960. Main reasons were that the strike was for Need Based Minimum Wage, which even the TU Centres did not yet advance. Another reason was the employees dared to go strike despite a personal challenge from the then Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and braved innumerable victimization and police firing.

The 5 days indefinite strike from midnight of 11/12th July is a heroic saga.  Among victories,  Family Pension after the death of the Govt servant / Pensioner was ensured for the life time of the Spouse from the 10 years limit by that strike. That helped the poor families to live with dignity for the entire life.

Let us Red Salute all the martyrs and comrades who sacrificed for all. Bongaigaon and Mariyane supreme sacrifices will never leave the memories! 

Long live the memories of Indefinite Strike of July, 1960!

Long live the memories of martyrs of 1960 strike!

Red salute to all leaders & comrades. 

Because of their sacrifice now we are enjoying all benefits.

