Sunday, August 7, 2022


It is very much regretted to inform to all my beloved viewers of this BLOG  because of some technical error occurred in the laptop, I could not be able to update the BLOG instantaneously / daily during this juncture of strike campaigning period. Inconvenience caused is excusable and oblige.


Message from Secretary General - NFPE 

Today (07-08-2022) an online meeting has been conducted ny NFPE with all General Secretaries, CHQ Office bearers, Circle Secretaries of all Unions of all Circles at 05-00pm.

Very good meeting today. 

Nearly 100 Comrades attended today's meeting.  

NFPE will again set up an example on 10 August. Kindly use every moments of the remaining 2 days most effectively. 

Tomorrow is the last working date. Create such a situation so that all employees irrespective of unions take part in Strike. 

No doubt there will be a new history of STRIKE in Postal Dept on 10 August. Take the challenge with courage and commitment. It will be a new beginning to save our dept.

Remember, we believe in Struggle. Don’t know to compromise, particularly when our Dept is at Stake. Future is ours.

