Wednesday, November 8, 2023

West Bengal Circle :: Joint Biennial Circle Conference of NFPE Unions - 05th Nov to 08th Nov'2023

The Joint Biennial Circle Conference of NFPE Unions has been held from 5th to 8th November 2023 in New Garia, South Kolkata Division.

AIPEU GDS session inaugurated by Com.Jogesh Sahu, Vice President (CHQ) and Com.Tapan Bowmik, General Secretary addressed.

A new team of office bearers were elected unanimously for the Circle Union of AIPEU GDS for the ensuing period. On behalf of AIPEU GDS CHQ we convey our heartfelt greetings and congratulations on the grand success of Joint biennial Circle Conferences of West Bengal Circle.

A detailed report on the proceedings of the Conference will be published in due course of time.

Yours fraternally
General Secretary
