Saturday, May 26, 2012


1.   A Draft 32 Points Charter of Demands that has been prepared by the CWC covering all the demands of the three lakhs of GDS employees will be placed in the CHQ website, inviting further suggestions for improvement by the rank and file. The entire attention of our organisation will be focussed to win the above demands through a united movement of Postal Employees under the able guidance of the NFPE.

2.  A Programme of Action starting with a day-long Dharna/Demonstration in front of all the Chief Postmasters General Offices/Postmaster Generals Offices/Divisional Offices  will be organised on 28-06-2012.

3. After participating in the March to Parliament on 26th July, 2012 called for by the Confederation of CG Employees and the All India Convention organised by the NFPE on the same day at New Delhi, a massive Dharna exclusively for the GDS Demands will be organised in front of Parliament on 27.07.2012.

4. A comprehensive Memorandum on GDS Demands and issues will be submitted to the Government and the Department on the day of our Dharna on 27th July, 2012. Further  the memorandum will be submitted to the Govt. through MPs also.

5. Meeting the Honourable MoC&IT at a later date to focus attention on our urgent Demands after the Dharna before the Parliament.

 It is requested to prepare / make all arrangements to conduct the program on 28-06-2012 in all circles and travel arrangements to Delhi for "March to parliament" & NFPE convention on 26-07-12 and "Mass Dharna at Parliament by GDS employees" on 27-07-2012 i.e., two days stay in Delhi and ensure the programs will be grand success with large participation of all NFPE & GDS membership.