Sunday, June 17, 2012



AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) CIRCLE CONVENTION  OF KARNATAKA CIRCLE HELD ON 17-06-2012 UNDER THE PRESIDENTSHIP OF Com.KUMAR, Divisional president, Hassan Division & COM.VENUGOPAL, DIVISIONAL PRESIDENT, GR.c. in kannada sahitya parishad, hassan. MORE THAN 300 GDS COMRADES PARTICIPATED by REPRESENting mangalore, Udipi, Ballari, Raichur, Belgam, Gulbarga, Mysore, bengaluru west, shimoga, hassan DIVISIONS OF KARNATAKA CIRCLE AND MAKE IT A GRAND SUCCESS.

THE house PAID FLORAL TRIBUTES TO THE  GREAT LEADER cOM.ADINARAYANA ON HIS 9TH DEATH ANNIVERSARY besides other departed leaders in the recent past.      

Shri H.D.Revanna, Hon’ble MLA, Opposition Leader in Karnataka Assembly, inaguarted the session and assured to take up the issues of GDS at the level of Minister of Communications,  Govt. of India  and do his best for GDS in his jurisdiction.

Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE)  initiated the discussion  and explained the situation in which the necesisity of  formation of new GDS union under the banner of NFPE. Proceedings of building of Union in various circles, efforts of CHQ to take up the GDS issues at Directorate and requested to support the formation of AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) by mobilizing the maximum membership  in all branches and divisions in Karnataka Circle.

Com.K.V.Sridharan, General Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C, while addressing the members as Chief guest explained in detail the role of NFPTE & NFPE in protecting the interests of GDS and also narrated the recent developments taken place in GDS union and appeal all Gr.C members to extend maximum support to AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) in strengthening the Union.

Com.I.S.Dabas, General Secretary, AIPEU Postmen&MSE/Gr.D explained the role of ED Union at the time of implementation of Sri R.S.Natarajamurthy Committee and also appeal all PIV comrades to extend their total solidarity and support to AIPEU-GDS(NFPE).

Com.Y.Nagabhushanam, Working President, AIPCPCCWF appeal all the Karnataka Circle  postal employees to mobilize all GDS membership in support of GDS(NFPE) union in the Circle.

The invitees for the convention Com.R.Sithalakshmi, Asst. General Secretary, NFPE, Com.Neelappa, Former Circle Secretary, P-IV, Karnataka Circle,Com.V.Murukan, Financial Secretary, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE), Com.S. Shailesh Kumar, ACS, Gr.C, Karnataka Circle, Com. Prasad, General Secretary, COC, Karnataka Circle, Com.Veeranna Setty, Dy. Circle Secretary, P-IV, Karnataka Circle,  Com.Anthony Das, Divisional President, BSNLEU,  Com.Sathyanarayana, CITU,  Com.K.N.Chary, Treasurer, A.P circle, Com.H.M.Sivanna, freedom fighter, Com.N.Indramma, President, Anganwadi employees, Hassan were also participated and addressed the convention.

 It is pertinent to say that Com.K.V.Sridharan was given a life threat by Karnataka leadership and the organizers of the convention were threatened with obstructing the members participating the convention. Despite all such threats the meeting was held very successful with large participation of women comrades particularly.

Com. Annappa, Circle Secretary, ED Union attempted to enter the hall with some anarchy elements by raising slogans against NFPE  but he could not succeeded. The attempts to disturb the convention became futile.

Com.B.R.Jadeesh, Asst. General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) deserves all appreciation for the successful holding of the convention.

The following GDS comrades are elected for the Circle organizing body to function at circle level and cause to formation of union at branch/divisional level.




Assistant Secretary: COM.SHYAM (RAICHUR)

                                 :COM.K.GOPAL (UDIPI)


Asst. treasurer: COM.D.RAMESH (HASSAN)

OrganizingSecretary: COM.DEVENDRA(GULBARGA)
                                     COM.SURESH (MYSORE) 

AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) CHQ conveys its best wishes and heartfelt greetings to the organizing body of the Circle

The following women GDS are elected for the Women subcommittee for  Hassan Division from AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) :

President : COM.YASMIN TAJ



Committee members:15 MEMBERS