Sunday, November 25, 2012


In connection with  one day strike on 12-12-2012, a convention has been held on 25-11-2012 with the participation of Central Govt. Employees and State Govt. Employees in Subash Chandra Vidya Nikethan School, Agartala Town, Agartala.

The Convention organized by Com.Tapas Kumar Nath (Circle President, Gr.C, NE & Divisional Secretary, Gr.C, Agartala) Convener, Confederation of  Central Govt. Employees & Workers, Tripura State.

The Convention presided over by Com.Haru Das Gupta, Divisional President, Gr.C., Agartala and the presence of participants are more than 400 from various sections of Central & State Govt. employees, Agartala. All the leaders and delegates invited with the folk song of Postal comrades in a very delightful manner.  Com. K.V.Sridharan, Vice President, Confederation of CGE&W., Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) are invited as Chief Guests.

The Convener, Com.Tapas Kumar Nath welcomed all the leaders viz., Com. Ashis Das Roy, Secretary, All India State Govt. Employees Federation, Com. Nikhil Das, General Secretary, Tripura State Bank Employees Union, Com. Dilip Kumar Dam, Pensioners & Retd. Pensioners Association, Com.Subash Saha, Chairman, Tripura State Govt. Employees COC., Com.Thirdhankar Choudhary, Dist. Secretary, BSNL, Tripura, Com.Dilip Chandra Bhowmick, TSK, Tripura including the leaders of NFPE.

Com. Tapas Kumar Nath explained all the Demands in a detailed manner. Com. P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, GDS inaugurated the convention by explaining the role and participation of GDS in the ensuing one day strike along with all employees' sections and working class of the nation in a united way. Com.K.V.Sridharan made an elaborated speech covering all the items and need of placing demand of 7th Pay Commission etc., in a befitting manner.

Leaders on the dias                                             Welcome by comrades with cultural heritage
Com.Tapas Kumar Nath Addressing

Com.Subash Saha Addressing
Com.K.V.Sridharan Addressing
Com.Ashis Das Roy Addressing
Com. Nikhil Das                                                Com.Thirthankar Choudhary  addressing

The team of Organizing Committee for 24th GDS convention & 25th CCGEW convention
All the leaders made an appeal to all sections of employees' participation in 12-12-12 one day strike to make it  a grand success. Under the able leadership of Com.Tapas Kumar Nath, a team of postal employees made an excellent arrangements for the convention and deserves all appreciation.