Friday, December 21, 2012


The Divisional Union of AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) Gulbarga Division, Karnataka Circle has been formed after holding a general body meeting on 02-12-2012 in Gulbarga with the GDS comrades of the Division and was witnessed by NFPE leaders of Karnataka Circle viz., Com.Sailesh Kumar, Asst. Circle Secretary, Gr.C., Com.R.Sitalakshmi, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE, Com.B.R.Jagdeesh, Asst. General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE) CHQ, Com.K.Kalpesh, Circle Secretary, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE), Karnataka Circle and many other leaders, senior comrades, well-wishers of Karnataka Circle.

The following organizing body elected unanimously for Divisional Union, Gulbarga, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE)::

President                           : Com.Basawaraj Patil
Vice President                  : Com.Basangouda Patil
                                              : Com. Suresh Kulkarni
                                              : Com.Saidappa
                                              : Com. Syed Akbar Ali 
                                              : Com. Madara Sab
                                              : Com. Rachayya Swamy
Secretary                            : Com. Siddaramappa
Asst. Secretary                 : Com.Kallappa
                                              : Com. Ashok
Financial Secretary          : Com. Mohammed Ali
Asst. Fin. Secretary          : Com. Arvind
Organizing Secretary      : Com. Giriraj
 & Working Committee    : Com. Srinath
Members                             : Com. Siddaramappa
                                              : Com.Panduranga
                                              : Com. Kasinath
                                              : Com.Rameswari
                                              : Com. Chandra sekhar
                                               : Com. Indrabai
                                               : Com.Ashok
                                               : Com. Maremma
                                               : Com. S.B.Jadhav

                                               : Com.Chandappa
                                               : Com.Basawaraj
                                               : Com. Renuka
                                               : Com. Radhika
                                               : Com. Vishanu
                                               : Com. Gurusiddappa
                                               : Com. Namegoud patil
                                               : Com. Guruswamy
                                               : Com.Baburao
                                               : Com. Santhosh

Auditor                                 : Shivaray Dhanni

The CHQ conveys its heartfelt greetings and congratulations to all comrades of GDS and NFPE leaders of Karnataka Circle and Gulbarga Division.