Saturday, March 23, 2013


The 1st All India Conference of ALL INDIA POSTAL EMPLOYEES UNION-GDS(NFPE) has been held on 21st & 22nd of March, 2013 in Dharma Prakash Kalyana Mandapam, Purushawakkam, Chennai-600 084.
Flag Hoistation                   Welcome address by Com.K.Raghavendran   Leaders on the dias
GDS Delegates, Visitors, Guests

                                                        GDS Delegates addressing in the subject committee
GDS Delegates & Leaders addressing in the session
Felicitation to the Reception Committee members :Com.S.Raghupathy ASG, NFPE, Com.Veeramani, AGS, Gr.C CHQ. Com. R.Dhanraj, C/S, GDS Union, TN Circle
Com.Angel Sathiyanadhan,D/S, City North Dn., Com.Mani Mekhalai, Women Committee member, Com.R.B.Suresh, C/S, AIPAEA, Com.Sankar, C/S, R-3., Com.Sivagurunadhan, AIPCPCCCWF., Com.K.Raghavendran, General Secretary, Reception Committee Com.Yadagiri, GDS -- felicitated by the leaders
Com.Neelamani, Com.J.Ramamurthy, C/S, Gr.C., Com.Srivenkatesan C/P
 being felicitated by Com.M.Krishnan
Reception Committee members and  arrangements at the venue
The Conference was presided by Com.Bijoy Gopal Sur, President, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE). More than 1,000 GDS Comrades attended and represented from all 22 Circles in this 1st All India Conference of GDS NFPE.

The following office bearers were elected unanimously for the CHQ :

President                    : Com.Bijoy Gopal Sur (West Bengal)
Working President    : Com.JaiPrakash Singh (Uttar Pradesh)
                                     : Com.Smt. Asha Ben Joshi (Gujrat)
Vice President            : Com.Nirmal Ch. Singh (Orissa)
                                     :Com.Gana Acharya (Assam)
General Secretary   : Com.P.Pandurangarao (Andhra Pradesh)
Deputy Genl. Secy.    :Com.R.Dhanaraj (Tamil Nadu)
Asst. Genl. Secy.        : Com.B.R.Jagdeesh (Karnataka)
                                    : Com.K.C.Ramachandran (Tamil Nadu)
                                    :Com.Virendra Kumar Yadav (M.P)
Financial Secretary   :Com.V.Murukan (Kerala)
Asst. Fin. Secy.          :Com.Avtar Singh (Punjab)
Orgg. Genl. Secy.      :Com.Roshanlal Meena (Rajasthan)
                                 :Com.Chandranarayan Chaudhary (Bihar)
                               :Com.Virender Sharma (Himachal Pradesh)

Auditor : MS.Deepak Gour & Co., New Delhi-110 041

Special Invitess : 
Com.Bipin Majumdar (Assam)
Com.Akshay Kumar (Haryana)
Com.K.Muktar Ahmed (Andhra Pradesh)(RMS 'Z' division)
Com.M.Durai, (TamilNadu) (RMS 'T' division)
Circle Secretary, Maharashtra 
Circle Secretary, Chattisgarh
Circle Secretary, Jharkhand
Circle Secretary, Jammu & Kashmir
Circle Secretary, Uttarakhand
Circle Secretary, Delhi

Mahila Sub Committee:

Chairperson : Com.Supravapal (Agartala, Tripura State)
Convener      : Com.Yashmin Taj (Karnataka)
Members      :Com.D.Padmavathi, (Andhra Pradesh)
                      : Com.Saly George (Kerala)
                      : Com.B.Parvathi (Karnataka)
                      : Com.V.I.Lakshmi (Tamil Nadu)
                      : Com.Kaladevi Rajak (Madhya Pradesh)