Friday, March 1, 2013

India post finds CBS proposal as a great developmental step

Budget 2013: India post finds CBS proposal as a great developmental step

NEW DELHI: Union Budget of 2013-14 has come with a major development proposition for India post. Not only postal department big shots, but even small postal service agents are also happy with the announcement of Finance Minister.

"Government has initiated an ambitious IT driven project to modernize the postal network at a cost of Rs. 4,909 crore. Post offices will become part of the core banking solution and offer real time banking services. I propose to provide Rs. 32 crore for the project in 2013-14," said the FM in his budget speech.

Clear enough, the initiative will be a big shot in the arm of India post that already is a major small savings service provider in India. "We are happy with the decision as we have been asking for this since long.

CBS will empower us to go full fledged in banking services," said Mr. John Samuel, Chief Post Master General of J & K who also plays a vital role in visualizing India post's modernization and new business sector.

Although India post has always traditionally remained as a major agency facilitating small savings especially in rural areas, it was never allowed to initiate full-fledged banking services.

Moreover, manual operation of postal department versus electronic and cyber age core banking solution of all other banks have pushed India post to back bench in providing financial services.

But, "India post has 1.55 lakh establishments in India touching deepest interiors. This is almost double of total 83,000 establishments of all banks put together. With introduction of modernized services, now we will be able to contribute in a big way to GoI's targeted financial inclusion drive in India," said Mr. Samuel.

Beside the postal top brasses, "It is great for us too as now we can increase our service volume and earn even higher through postal services," said Mr. T K Das, a veteran postal savings agent.
Source : The Economic Times


Oh! Dear Mahadevaiah!!
Answer my questions !!!

This is an open letter to you seeking your straight answers without dillydallying the main issues put forth hereunder. Forgetting yours elevation from an ordinary EDDA to the position of the General Secretary, because of the great mighty NFPE and its leadership, you are now trying to maligning the NFPE and its leadership. Even you have gone down to write the Chief exective of NFPE as Krishnan & Co in your journals and write ups.

Even though we are remaining calm and not to expose you under any provocation or circumstances and waste our energy, you are compelling us again and again due to your filthy writeups on the Federation and its leadership. You want to cut the tree below after reaching the top  forgetting your position. Are you ready to answer the following questions and facts before maligning NFPE?

1.       You are a CPI political partyman. You are one of the General Council Members of AITUC and affiliated the AIPEDEU with CPI political party oriented AITUC. Your name appears as the party General Council Member under serial No.64 of the AITUC  affiliated unions published in the “Trade Union Record”, the fortnightly Journal of AITUC (6-20 Jan, 2013). You have affiliated AIPEDEU to AITUC with out the knowledge of other office bearers and also with out the approval of Central Working Committee or All India Conference. Are you ready the accept the fact?
2.       Still you are deceiving the real nuetral circle/divisional Secretaries of your own union as if you are a non political person and not having any political alienation and garner their support by false propaganda yet. At least hereafter the gullible leaders of Postal movement shall be made clear about your identity in the political party. Many of them have already identified your colour and started formation of NFPE GDS union everywhere. Are you ready to challenge this position?
3.       You have described that the file relating to the revision of bonus ceiling was cleared during 12.12.2012 strike period with the intention to sabotage the strike. But the file was returned and disposed by MoF with adverse quiries. Is it not cheating? Why you have deliberatedly repeating the lies before the GDS? You have spread red carpet to Natarajamurthy Committee and cooperated with it when NFPE decided to boycott it. Then you made a show as if you are protesting the report. We have also participated in the three days solidarity strike. What was your achievement? Thereafter when the report without modification was implemented that too after one year you claimed that is your victory and started collecting donation from the GDS for building fund. Where is the amount? Are you having any accounts for the same? What is the total collection? Are you ready to publish the entire accounts of the building fund collection?
(You did nothing during your 13 years period except standing as a mute spectator of the forfeiture of many benefits which were secured by the NFPE and its united efforts)
4.       We have charged you that you are receiving Postal Assistant salary with ten increments, transport allowance, conveyance allowance, head quarters allowance and all the benefits as if a Postal Assistant is entitled. Are you really entitled? Whether any GDS will get such huge amount as if you are drawing from the membership collections? Is  it not defrauding the subscription of down trodden GDS.
5.       A picture showing your Bangalore Bhawan was circulated earlier by some comrades. Are you denying that the building is not yours? Then where you have purchased a building in Bangalore? Are you ready to publish the photo of your Bangalore building as if you have published your Kolar house? Are you not having a own house purchased 3 years before after implementation of GDS committee recommendation. You are exhibiting the picture of your village house photo which was taken 10 years back in Kolar that too before its renovation which you made 6 years before. Your innocent followers are still thinking that you are perfect. Are you ready to disclose your assests in public?
6.       You are working as EDDA, Doorvaninagar for 6 months in a year. You are in Bangalore City. Are you not drawing double salary that too in the pay scale of PA for the work you are performing as EDDA for Six months. Are you ready to disclose your salary payment taken from the CHQ? Whether any GDS will draw two salaries; one from the department and from the union that too in very exhorbitant amount for the work performed as EDDA?
7.       It is one of our major allegations when we were together that all the Donations you have colletecd for building fund have been swallowed and swindled by you. Where the amount has gone? We had the right to ask the details because most of the amount have been remitted by the branches who are now in AIPEU GDS (NFPE). You have been asked explanation by the department for such huge collection and you have also tendered excuses. That was the reason you have not participated in the strike discussions taken place for more than nine times with the administration during July 2011. After the disposal of the file, you started as if you are against to the administration. Can you deny the facts? Can you disclose the notice and also the reply you sent to the notice?
8.       During your seven days strike time you have stated that you are going to expose the unnecessary administrative expenditure and have sufficient proof and meaning to go for legal forums and Courts. When are you going to Court and other forums? Why are you silent even after the strike there is not a single settlement?  Who stopped you? Are you not having any such material and  was it only bogus just to kindle the sentiments of the GDS during the strike? The GDS are much suffocated and vexed due to your tactics to keep them in fold simply by rousing their sentiments by spreading canards. Do you know? You can fool somebody for all times and not everyone at all times. Can you say one settlement you reached due to this seven days strike? Is strike for the sake of strike or to divert the attention and anger of the GDS against your frauds in accounts?
9.       You have told the percentage of your strike exceeds 80% in all circles even in West Bengal except Kerala and you were disputing the figure furnished by the NFPE and challenging to prove the figures. Yes we are having the figures. Are you ready? It is less than 20%. Are you ready to have a platform for disclosing our figure and your figure?
10.   The last, but at the least, that we are ready for reverfication for membership. Are you ready? If you are having guts and confidence of keeping the membership with you accept our challenge. We are ready. Are you ready?  Your days are counted.

In fact we do not want to wash dirty linen in public about your fraudulant activities as General Secretary of a major union born with the sacrifice of leaders like Com. Adinarayana and others which was later misused for your political gain. Displaying the GDS union with AITUC in the ‘March to Parliament’ and all your notorious activites are now coming in to light and all the GDS are watching. Don’t think they will endorse all your activities.

In many circles the comrades who understand the services and sacrifices of NFPE are joining enmasse in AIPEU GDS (NFPE) and we will be number one at the time of reverification. You are forgetting the ladder the NFPE and throw it after climbing to the Top forgetting that one day you have to come down. Yes. It is happening now and it is a warning to you. We know what is what. GDS will be liberated from your notorious and separatist activities. Hope you will correct your position atleast hereafter.

With fraternal greetings,

(R. Dhanraj)
Dy. General Secretary

Dated – 19.02.2013