Friday, April 19, 2013

9th Federal Council of NFPE - Reception Committee formed in Hyderabad - A.P

NFPE 9th Federal Council Reception Committee formation meeting held at B-1, P&T qrs. Chikkadapally, Hyderabad- 500 020 on 19-04-2013.

The meeting was presided by Com.R.J.Madhusudanarao, Chairman, Circle Coordination Committee & Circle Secretary, R-III, NFPE. Com.K.Ramachandram, Convener, CoC invited all the leaders to the dais.

Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE inaugurated the meeting by elaborately narrated the role of  NFPE in the postal trade union movement and the significance of present 9th Federal Council in the background of policies of the Govt.

Com.V.Nageswararao, General Secretary, CCGEW, Com.T.Satyanarayana, General Secretary, AIPAEA, Com.P.Suresh, General Secretary, R-IV, Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE), Com.M.N.Reddy, General Secretary, APRPA, Com.P.Mohan, General Secretary, AIPCPCCWF, Com.R.Sivannarayana, President, Gr.C(CHQ), Com.Sk.Humayun, President, P-IV (CHQ), Com.Y.Nagabhushanam, Working President, AIPCPCCWF, Com.A.P.Sasthry (former All India President, AIPAEA), Com.M.Nagavardhanarao, Leader, RJCM & Former Circle Secretary, R-III were present and addressed the meeting.

The other leaders viz., Com.D.A.S.V.Prasad, Circle Secretary, Gr.C., Com.B.Narasimhulu, Circle Secretary, R-IV, Com.T.Suresh, Charman, City Coordination Committee, K.Narayanarao, Circle President, Gr.C., Com.B.Pamulu, Circle President, R-III, Com.Sudhakar, Dy.Circle Secretary, AIPAEA were also present and addressed the meeting.

Com.M.S.Baig, Divl Secy, Hyd. City Dn., Com.S.S.R.A.Prasad, ACS, Gr.C., Com.Ramachander, Divl Secy, MMS unit, Com.Jagadeesh, P-IV., Com.Nagaraju, Divl Secy, AIPCPCCWF, Com.S.A.Naidu, R-IV, Com.Gopal, Divl. Secy, R-IV, Com.Manohar, Divl Secy, R-III, Com.K.Muktar Ahmed, Divl Secy, ‘Z’ dn. Were are also participated in the meeting.

Reception Committee :

Chairman                  : Prof. K.Nageswar, 
                                      Member of Legislative Assembly, A.P
Working Chairman : Com.D.A.S.V.Prasad, 
                                     Circle Secretary, Gr.C.
General Secretary : Com.K.Ramachandram, Convener, 
                                   Circle Coordination Committee, NFPE
Financial Secretary : Com.D.Narasimhamurthy, 
                                  Treasurer, Circle Coordination Committee, NFPE

All the General Secretaries, All India Presidents, CHQ office bearers representing NFPE affiliated Unions, all Circle Secretaries, all Circle Presidents of NFPE unions and many other comrades & representatives of NFPE affiliated Unions are in the Reception Committee & various committees formed for 9th Federal Council.

Committees formed:

Finance Committee,       
Food Committee,            
Transport Committee,                   
Publicity committee
Programs Committee,   
Cultural Committee,       
Stage & Decoration committee, 
Mahila Committee

Meeting concluded with the vote of thanks by Com.Ramireddy, R-III.