Sunday, April 7, 2013


 07-04-2013 : 2nd day  -- RALLY & OPEN SESSION
At 09.30am  more than 500 comrades with flags, banners & placards march in a rally through the streets of Karimganj and attracted all the citizens of the town. 

The meeting started at 11.30 am with the welcome song of  Assam comrades and presided by Com.L.P.Saikia, Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C, Assam Circle.

Com.Ashundas gupta, former Finance Minister, West Bengal invited as Chief Guest and Com.Radhikaranjan Chakraborty, Chairman, delivered his message on behalf of Reception Committee.

Com.Asundas Gupta elaborately narrated the anti-worker, anti-people policies, privatization, corporation policies of the present Govt. and refresh the responsibility of postal working class. In the message he covered all the issues of postal employees and the reflection of the policies of the Govt. in a befitting manner. Conveyed his best wishes for the successful conduct of the joint conference of two circles at one place and appreciated the unity of postal unions, particularly NFPE.

Welcome song by Assam comrades
Com.Radhikaranjan Chakraborty addressing
Com.Ashundas Gupta addressing
All the comrades paid their attention in such a disciplined way  on the message of the Chief Guest.
Post lunch session : subject committee meetings of all Unions conducted by the respective unions.