Wednesday, June 26, 2013


NFPE Takes the lead
indefinite  strike  -- if gds are not included in viith cpc -- historic decision of 9th federal council
               Once again NFPE has taken the lead for the emancipation of three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks.  Everybody knows that upto 1999 one after another GDS employees achieved certain benefits including the GDS package after the Justice Talwar Committee recommendations, though distorted to a great extent by the Govt, only through the united struggle conducted under the leadership of NFPE and JCA.  Separate GDS union was formed in the year 1999 by NFPE, to further strengthen the united struggle and to advance further, by compelling the unwilling Govt. to implement the recommendations of the Justice Talwar Committee including grant of Civil Servant status.  Unfortunately the leadership of the GDS Union hijacked the new union from NFPE and joined the anti-NFPE lobby.  They concentrated in attacking NFPE, forgetting the fact that it is not NFPE but the policies of the Govt. which is the main enemy.  An atmosphere of hatred between regular employees and GDS was created.  NFPE was not allowed to take up or discuss GDS issues as the leadership of GDS union objected it and they want to be the sole champion of GDS.  The result was bitter.  Govt. took the opportunity to snatch away all the hard-earned benefits of the GDS one by one. Every hope of the GDS for a better tomorrow was shattered.  Thus the period from 1999 to 2012 was marked in the history as dark days for the GDS.
               As the saying goes - “at the end of every tunnel, there will be light”.  The formation of the new GDS Union, viz. AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) in the year 2012, rekindled their hope.  It heralded a new era in the history of the Postal and GDS movement.  A union which is ready to fight jointly with NFPE, a union which believes in the unity of regular employees and GDS, a union which believes that policies of the Govt. is the main enemy of GDS, a union which believes that NFPE alone can lead the battle for emancipation of GDS, was borne.  The dark days are over and after a horrifying experience of about 13 years, a ray of hope appeared, and within a short span, it spread like anything and the darkness disappeared.
               For the first time after a very long gap, about twenty representatives of AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) attended in the 9th Federal Council of NFPE held at Hyderabad and participated in the deliberations.  All the delegates gave a patient hearing and extended full support to the cause of GDS.  Finally, the Federal Council adopted a historic resolution in which it was clearly declared that the entire Postal and RMS employees including GDS shall go on an indefinite strike, jointly with other Federations if possible, if the demand for inclusion of the GDS under the purview of the Seventh Central Pay Commission is not accepted by the Govt.   Thus once again NFPE has taken the lead to fight for the emancipation of GDS.
               To translate this historic decision into action everyone of us should start serious planning and campaigning not only among the employees but also among the public.  We should be ready to jump into action, if situation warrants.  The message of the Hyderabad Federal Council should reach each and every GDS.  Our task is not easy, but it is not impossible.  Battle lines are already drawn.  “Kurukshetra” is calling us once gain.  Justice shall win once gain.
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