Sunday, June 30, 2013

GDS data collection Form for "Health facilities Scheme to GDS''

Reports received by our CHQ that the Form (Annexure) for data collection from GDS under health facilities scheme is yet to be supplied in many Divisions in all the Circles.

As per the Directorate instructions issued on the subject vide its letter dated       28-05-2013, all the data collected from GDS should reach Directorate by 30-06-2013.

It is being detained for the reasons well known and the Divisional Secretaries, Circle Secretaries, Office bearers are requested to provide the information available to all GDS in their respective units and enroll them in the scheme with in the stipulated period.

(The detailed letter of the Directorate is published in our website on 18-06-2013)

Format of the Form (Annexure) is published here under for ready use of GDS:

Worker Name (GDS Name)


Minority ( as per State List) indicate yes/No

Gender (indicate Male or Female)


Fataher’s Name

Phone No.

Present Post held

Name of District

Mandal name:
Sub District or Tehsil or Taluka or Block name may be given

Panchayat Name:
Panchayat Name in case of Panchayat Village or rural areas
Ward No. in case of village where Gram Panchayat does not exist – Village name ( No. of Ward)
Name of Municipal Committee in case of urban areas i.e. Name of Municipal Committee (MC) or Town Council (TC)

Village Name
Village Name in case of rural areas
Ward Number in case of Urban areas – Ward (No.)

Present Residential address

Permanent residential address

Beneficiaries dependent details

with GDS




Date of regular appointment to the GDS Post :
            This is to certify that the particulars mentioned above are true to the best of my knowledge and the beneficiaries dependent details mentioned above are only related to my members of family as defined in Rule 3 (h) of GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2011.

Signature of GDS Beneficiary

  Dated :……………
