Sunday, June 9, 2013

9th FEDERAL COUNCIL OF NFPE -- 09-06-2013


From 09-06-2013 to 12-06-2013

DAY - 1 (09-06-2013)

Flag Hoistation - Women Convention - Rally - Open session

On the eve of 9th Federal Council of National Federation of Postal Employees, AP Postal Women Employees Convention has been held in Sundarayya Vignana Kendram, Hyderabad. Com. T.Sakuntala, Convener, Women Subcommittee, NFPE presided the convention.

Ms.Sandhya Rani,IPoS, Post Master General (BD & Technology) invited as Chief Guest  & Com. M.Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE invited as Guest of Honour to the Women Employees Convention.

Com. Pushpeswari Devi, Member, All India Women sub committee, NFPE
Com.K.Swaruparani, General Secretary, AIDWA
Com.K.Dhanalakshmi, State Convener, Working Women
Com.C.P.Sobhana, Convener, CCGEW Mahila Committee
Com. Nalini, (R-III) were addressed in the convention
National Flag hoisted by - Com.B.G.Thamhankar, former President, NFPE
NFPE flag - hoisted by Com.D.K.Rahate

Gathering at flag hoistation
Homage with floral tributes at Martyr's column

 Chief Guest  -- Ms.K.Sandhyarani, PMG (BD&Technology)
 Com.K.swarupa Rani addressing
 Com.K.Dhanalakshmi addressing

Com. C.P.Sobhana addressing

Com.M.Krishnan Addressing

Welcome song by Praja Natya Mandiali comrades
Leaders on the dais
Com.Pushpeswari Devi Addressing

Com.B.Padmavathi addressing
Leaders on the dais along with
Chief Guest Ms.K.Sandhya Rani, IPoS, PMG, BD & Techlogy & Com.M.Krishnan
Vote of Thanks by Com.K.Ramachandram, General Secreetary,
Reception Committee

Post lunch session
Rally from Indira Park to Sundarayya Vignana Kendram - a big procession with the participation of more than 1000 employees started from India Park along with the Leaders, Federal Councillors, Visitors at 3.30pm and reached Sundarayya Vignana Kendram at 5.00pm.

Open Session : Sundarayya Vignana Kendram 

Open Session inagurated by Com.B.V.Raghavulu, CPIM Polit Bureau Member
Other prominent leaders Viz., Com.R.Sudha Bhaskar, General Secretary, CITU, Com.P.J.Chandra Sekhar Rao, MLC & All India Secretary AITUC, Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, BSNLEU, Com.P.Venkatramaiah, General Secretary, BEFI, Com.I.Venkateswararao, UTF, Com.M.N.Reddy, General Secretary, Pensioner's Association were addressed in the open session.