Thursday, July 11, 2013

53rd anniversary of the 1960 Glorious Strike of the Central Government Employees

Comrades, remember that :

Today, is the 53rd anniversary of the Glorious Strike of the Central Government Employees which started on 11th July 1960 and continued for 5 days on the basic demands of the workers. 

That was their biggest strike in independent India till then, which shook the edifice of the Government. 

It was suppressed by all repressive measures putting thousands in jail, dismissal, termination etc. 

But the workers never surrendered. 

The mighty one day Token Strike on 19th September 1968 reminded the Government that the workers can never be suppressed all the times. 

On this day our Revolutionary salutes to all those comrades who sacrificed their lives at the altar of struggle and also who faced inhuman suppression and also the lakhs of workers who participated

Red Salute to all those who showed through their action that the united struggle is the right path.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
In addition to the above :
It was at the time of 2nd CPC (Report submitted during the last week of November 1959)
The then Hon'ble Prime Minister of India Shri Pandit Jawharlal Nehru on 7-7-1960 in All India Radio Spoke "our Jawans are guarding the highest peaks of Himalayas in Ladakh under intense cold weather conditions where as the Government employees for their selfish ends are dislocating the services and are acting under the influence of political leaders"
= All India P&T Leaders arrested.
= First attack on Trade Union movement was to withdraw the recognition under the DG P&T's letter No.18-13/60-SR dated 22-07-1960.
=Recognition of  eighty five unions and associations had been withdrawn as a result of their participation in general strike. 
=ESMO imposed in various places over the country.
=Victimization in number are :(Federal Executive computed figures dated 15-09-1960)
Arrested = 20,139, Convicted = 1,844, Suspended & Terminated = 25,000.
=CCS Rules amended (4A, 4B)
& many more and more unwarranted incidents took place.