Friday, July 5, 2013

JCA Trade Union Programme on removal of working staff - Tamil Nadu Circle - succeeded

         For the past 5 years to manage the sorting asst vacant places in mail offices nearly 130 to 140 outsiders having +2 qualifications and above are working in all units of RMS CB Dn for sorting unregd articles and sometimes in regd branches also. They are working on hourly rate fixed by Dist collectors. This is a meagre amount  [Rs.36/-per hour].  Ignoring the prevailing ground realities, Western regional administration all of a sudden abruptly terminated the services of outsiders on 26.6.13 which resulted accumulation of mails in heaps in front of mail offices. 

       JCA immediately convened and decided to conduct TU programme by arranging gate meetings, demonstrations insisting the administration to withdraw the order and restore normalcy. The programme which we conducted were published in daily newspapers. In the background Circle Secretary Com. K. Sankaran R3, J.Ramamurthy Circle Secretary P3 met PMG MM at Chennai on 28.6.13 and appraised the situation and requesting restore status quo so as to facilitate to clear the pending mails.

     On the part of outsiders they were well determined and very strong . In the background administration withdraw the termination order and permitted all outsiders for sorting and they were also now performing duties as earlier.



A one day strike was announced  on 09.07.2013 , by   NFPE/FNPO  P 3 & P4  unions,  requesting for settlement of 38 point charter of demands at  Pondichery Division , in Tamilnadu circle.

Main charter of demands are

1. Shortage of staff and requesting for utilization of short duty pensioners/eligible willing GDS/outsiders  to manage the  vacant  posts   of  P.A.s.
2.  Cash conveyance should be streamlined on day-to-day basis   with  full protection; conveyance of taxi/auto fare to be paid with/remuneration should be paid with for the  staff engaged/escorted.
3. Actual auto fare with remuneration should be paid with  for  mail conveyance between S.O.s  and  while entrusted with , due to non plying of  MMS.
4. Irregular transfer orders issued to six MACP officials to long distance S.O.s on the plea of seniority,  to be  withdrawn .
5. Revision of FSC/drawal of fresh Divisional gradation list.
6. Permitting outsiders and age barred GDS to work in Postmen/MTS vacancies on leaves/ vacant places.
7. Combination of beats should not be insisted upon.

Program of action :

1. First phase demonstration was conducted on 04.06.2013 in front of Pondichery  HPO.

2. Strike notice was served to the administration and Labour Commissioner on 14.06.2013.

3. Discussions were held with the Divisional administration on 17.06.2013 and  failed.
4. Second phase demonstration was conducted on 22.06.2013 in front of Pondichery HPO

5. Conciliatory talks were held before Asst. Labour  Commissioner (Central) on 27.06.2013

6. Circle union intervened with the Regional administration on 29.06.2013 seeking for exclusive talks

Bilateral talks with the Regional administration and Circle Unions (involving Divisional union) held on 01.07.2013 and settlement made recording  the minutes. Com. J. Ramamurthy, Circle Secretary, P3, NFPE and Com. G.P. Muthukrishnan, Circle Secretary, P3, FNPO lead the delegation. 

Copy of minutes are published in TN Circle Union web site.

Strike was officially announced as withdrawn on 04.07.2013 before the Asst. Labour Commissioner (Central), Pondy.

Agreement reached in favour  of :

== SDPAs/GDS permitted to work in vacant posts; age barred GDS are allowed to work    in vacant/leave place of postmen/MTS
== Suitable  auto / taxi fare allowed for conveyance of cash and mail 
== Suitable remuneration allowed for that 
== Irregular transfer orders issued to 6 MACP officials cancelled/ modified
== Surplus  staff working  at Divisional office withdrawn 
== Combination of beats will not be insisted upon  ETC
R-3 & R-4 unions prepared for a struggle program in WB Circle :

On 03-07-2013 a memorandum submitted by R-3 & R-4 unions of NFPE to Post Master General (MM) on the following demands :
1.Amenities for Sorting of Articles.
Note: For Sorting of Articles the Sorting Cases are a Major part of mail Offices, but the fact are in most of all the Mail Offices the Sorting cases which are now used without Painting and lettering. Required immediate instruction from your office.

2.     Amenities for Operational Purpose.
Note: In CRC, R-Net started nearly two years without providing Barcode in various booking Offices, but so far the norms concern this work not mentioned. Staff harassment are going on, some offices entry the SPC articles in R-lists causes harassment. Urges to stop the process.

3.     Stop unnecessary harassment of Staff working in SH & ICSH.
Note: Norms already circulated unilaterally but in the norms it was not specified that there will no Bag transfer from set to set. The fallacy which introduced by some Officers in their whims to be stopped immediately.

4.     Filling up the Posts of MTS & Mail guard in RMS & MMS.
Note: Instruction already been issued from Dte. Acute shortages of Staff are going on. To fill up the Posts from the feeder cadre (i.e., GDS) the DPC not holding at the Divn. level. Necessary actions are required.

5.     M.M.S. Schedule.
Note: Before introduction of MMS Schedule it should be discussed with the staff representatives who are related with this job particularly MG and Drivers. From C.O. having without practical knowledge putting the Staffs in hurdles, though in last Bi-Monthly meeting we welcome the views of PMG(MM).

6.     The dilapidated conditions of Offices.
Note: i) In RMS ‘H’ Dn.- The condition of Ranaghat RMS is so worst which can not expressed but only some paper works done by the Dept.
ii) In Dum Dum P.O. Building where the HRO are functioning of Kol. A.P.Stg. Divn. is in rainy season the papers are being damaged.
iii) The condition of Howrah HPO Building where the HRO of ‘SB’ and ‘WB’ Divn. functioning are well known to you in particular. The same condition prevailing in AHRO, RMS ‘WB’ Dn.

7.     Rate of S.D.S. Drivers.
Note: It is a compulsion on the part of Dept. to utilize the S.D.S. Drivers for smooth functioning of Mail Movement. But is very sorry to say that the hourly rate now enjoying by them was introduced nearly two years back. Immediate enhancement of hourly rate to be settled for those cross section of Drivers.

8.     Stop intervention in the Divl. affairs.
Note: You have assured in several times that you have no intension about the functioning of Divl. level, if any information related with irregularities received by you, then only the higher authority will interfere, but the report received from various Divisions such as, RMS ‘SB’, Kol. RMS Divn, RMS “WB” Divn etc. you have specified about the arrangement of Gr-C & D staff which is the prerogative of the HRO/AHRO, then the Divl. heads urges to stop this process.

9.     Necessary arrangement of MA point at Chitpur(Kolkata).
Note: A move was taken by the Dept. and the Railway authority responded accordingly, but due to non-settlement of this chapter the staff related with transshipment particularly M.G., MMS Drivers and the staffs related with transhipment are suffered- request for settlement.

10. Transfer posting in the name of attachment from one L2 office to L1 office.
Note: Specific order issued from Dte. vide No. 28.08/2011 dtd. 14.05.12 and it was again retreated vide D.G. Posts No. 8/4/2013-SR dtd. 22.04.13- Request for issuing necessary instruction at an earliest.

11. Provide the facilities at staff quarter.
Note: The staff who are availing the Quarter in various places like as Salt Lake, Ultadanga, Durgapur, Kharagpur are facing problems along with their families. Minimum requirement not providing.

12. Issuing Departmental Identity Card.
Note: Due to reluctant attitude in the Divl. level the issue not materialized. Necessary instructions are required.
