Saturday, September 21, 2013


The fifth successive study camp conducted by NFPE is being held on 21st & 22nd of September in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh.
Venue : Aapka Bhawan, Kavi Nagar

21-09-2013 (Saturday)

Flag hoistation : National flag hoisted by Com.Ishwar Sing Dabas,  Dy. Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary, P-IV.

Welcome address : Com.R.N.Parashar, ASG, NFPE & AGS, AIPEU Gr.C (CHQ)

Chairperson : Com.T.P.Mishra, former P3 Circle President & Veteran leader, U.P Circle.

Inagural address : Com.S.K.Vyas, Advisor, Confederation.

Class : Com.K.Rghavendran,  former Secretary General, NFPE
Subject : "Organization - our task"
The lecture on the subject is followed by power point presentation.

Com.M.S.Raja, Working Chairman, Confederation addressed the session.

Post lunch session:

Class : Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation & NFPE
Subject: "Lessons of the past and task ahead  of Postal Trade Union movement"

Seminar : "Future of India Post"
Chief Guest : Shri John Samuel, Director, Postal Staff College, Ghaziabad.
The lecture on the subject is followed by power point presentation.

Leaders attended : 
Com.Giriraj Singh, President, NFPE & Genl. Secretary, R-III.
Com.V.K.Tiwari, General Secretary, AIP SBCOEA.
Com.S.B.Yadav, Offg. Genl. Secy, AIP AEA.
Com.P.Pandurangarao, Genl. Secy, AIPEU-GDS(NFPE)
Com.Y.Nagabhushanam, Wkg. President, AIPCPCCWF.
Com.Jagadish Prasad, Treasurer, R-III (CHQ)
Com.R.K.Gupta, Convener, CoC, U.P