Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Agitation launched and succeeded on the closure of a BO in Shimoga Division of Karnataka Circle.

Details are as follows:

Mandli NDTBO A/W Shimoga Market SO was ordered for abolition by Superintendent of Post Offices, Shimoga vide his letter dated 24.09.2013 and circulated on 27.09.2013 and orders to be effected from  01.10.2013. Immediately Divisional union protested against the order of abolition of BO on the following grounds.

1)     Mandli was a good running BO having about 700 accounts.
2)    The BPM who is a lady had recently redeployed from Sagar, a place which is    75 KM away from Shimoga.
3)   By this abolition and her second redeployment she is forced to loose about Rs.2700/- pay.
4)    Due notice to public for abolition of BO was not served and the suggestions and representations of members of public and users of post office was not taken as per DG’s instructions.

Divisional union has given notice to SPOs against the orders and threatened spontaneous trade union action.  The members of public were also protested and raised slogan shouting against the abolition when ASP went for abolition action.  

Local MLA and Councilors were also intervened. Police were called for to restore peace.  In the mean time Circle Secretaries and General Secretaries were also informed and they also intervened.  At last the local leaders were called for a dialogue and SP took initiative and  himself contacted the higher authorities and put a halt for abolition.  

NFPE & AIPEU GDS (NFPE) conveys congratulations to the Shimoga comrades for organising local agitation and also for their success in stopping the closure of the BO.

It can be said that the cause of action by our Unions on such activities of the administration inspired by the three day’s strike in Central Region of Kerala Circle as it was conducted and succeeded on the restoration of two BOs closed inadvertently.

Red Salute to Kerala Comrades,

Source : NFPE