Friday, November 8, 2013

Reception Committee Circular - All India Trade Union Workshop - Mumbai

Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers, Mumbai (CCGEW)
C/o Office of All India Audit & Accounts Association, Audit Department,
Old CGO Building, Maharshi Karve Road,
Marine Lines, Mumbai 400 020


All Affiliates

Dear Comrades,

Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers (CCGEW) decided to conduct two days TU Workshop on 15th & 16th November 2013 at Mumbai. Accordingly the CCGEW Mumbai Committee took the responsibility of the host organization and making all arrangements to conduct the two days workshop. A formal invitation by the President  & Secretary of CCGEW Mumbai Committee along with programme is attached along with this letter.

 Venue: -         CLI Auditorium
                        Central Labour Institute
                        Sion – Chunnabatti Road
                        Sion, Mumbai – 400022

Nearest Sub – Urban Railway Station – SION

Distance from Mumbai CST Railway Station to CLI            :        12Km
Distance from Dadar Railway Station to CLI                      :        5 Km
Distance from Mumbai Central to CLI                               :        15 Km
Distance from Bandra Terminal to CLI                               :        5 Km
Distance from Kurla Terminals to CLI                                :        3 Km
Distance from Mumbai Airport to CLI                                :        12 Km

          All affiliates & State Committees are requested to communicate their arrival at Mumbai to the Confederation Head Quarters or Mumbai Committee well in advance.

          With Warm Greetings

Comradely yours

(Jayaraj. KV)
Assistant Secretary, CCGEW
09869501189      ::  09594911189
Res: 022 27464704 :: Off: 022 25596519