Wednesday, December 25, 2013


The first Central Working Committee meeting after the last All India Conference was held at Guwahati from 14.12.2013 to 15.12.2013.

1.      The Confederation decision including strike action for inclusion of GDS demands in 7th CPC, DA merger etc has been endorsed.

2.      The draft memorandum of P3 after its preparation inviting suggestions for the improvement of the same by all rank and file. An exclusive workshop will be conducted to discuss the draft memorandum and finalized thereafter.

3.      The upgradation of pay scale of PA/SA and supervisory posts will be given due importance while drafting the memorandum.

4.      The CWC endorses the decision of Confederation, demanding minimum wage as per 15thILC, 5 year wage revision, DA merger etc. and implement the Confederation programmes on 15 point Charter effectively.

5.      The CWC decided to insist the department to finalise the Cadre Review proposal within one month and in the event of non implementation of the same, programme of action will be finalized after consultation with NFPE and Postal JCA.

6.      The CWC directed all Divisional and Branches as well as the Circle Secretaries to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of NFPE in a be fitting manner by holding conventions, meetings, recognize the services of old leaders etc.

7.      The CWC requested all the divisions and branches to observe the JCA call on 05.02.2013 by holding one day fast demanding the regularisation of Casual labour and wage revision as per the 6th CPC rate.

8.      The CWC further requested all the branches to assist the All India Postal and RMS Pensioners Association in forming branches at circle and divisional levels.

9.      The CWC further appeals all the Divisions/Branches and Circle Secretaries to form AIPEU GDS (NFPE) at their level and extend fullest cooperation to popularize their demands and programmes of action culminating to indefinite strike if their genuine demand of Departmentalisation and remittance of their case to 7th CPC are not considered.

10.  The CWC decided to issue notice to the defaulting branches to remit Quota dues and other dues like Bhartiya Post and Publications before 10.01.2014 and in the event of non remittance, the CHQ will initiate action either suspending the branch or directing the DDO to remit the amount directly to Circle/CHQ.

11.  Apart from the above to end the Election dispute of Delhi circle, it has been resolved to conduct fresh conference by CHQ itself on the basis of actual membership being existed in the divisions.
