Wednesday, March 19, 2014

(An Associate Member of National Federation of Postal Employees)

Only Union which can safeguard the interests of GDS and conduct struggles along with NFPE and affiliated unions.
Struggle with unity & unity with struggle
United we stand, divided we fall
We are united & we conquer together
Let us march together
During the period of two years (April-2012 to March-2014)

= Formation of our union taken place in 17 circles, about 300 divisions out of 440 divisions.

= Accorded with the Associate Member of NFPE
= Affiliation with Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers.

= Our 32 Demands charter will not be changed.
= Conducted series of struggles from division level to All India.
= Parliament March Program – two times (July 26, 2012 & 11-12-2013)
= Total participation in all struggles and strike calls  given by Confederation / NFPE / JCA.

= GDS Bonus issue settled due to 12-12-12 strike, dept. constituted a Committee and discussion on 02-08-2013 by Postal JCA.

= Accomplished the demand of inclusion of  GDS in 7th CPC  in the proposed Terms of Reference by National Council, JCM.

= Filed a case in Supreme Court with NFPE for Civil Servant Status to GDS & scrap the GDS (Conduct & Engagement) Rules 2011.

= Filed a case in Pr. CAT, Delhi with P-4 CHQs of NFPE & FNPO on abolition of vacant posts in Dept. of Posts and succeeded.

Ensuing programmes :

= 5 days Hunger fast program with 50,000 GDS in front of Parliament from 15th  to 19th September, 2014.

= “GDS Shoshan Mukthi Yatra" (GDS Liberation March) is scheduled before hunger fast.

= Series of  Struggles with indefinite strike call by Confederation & Postal JCA for inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC.

AIPEU GDS (NFPE) is already recognized
by all working class & unions
 recognition from the Dept. is only a formal one.

Strengthen this union which is always at your service.

General Secretary