Monday, April 14, 2014


A joint Biennial Divisional conference of AIPEU Gr.C., AIPEU PM&Gr.D/MTS, AIPEU GDS (NFPE) & MMS Union of Tirupati Division has been held on 13-04-2014 in Sri Sai Nirmala Ramaiah Kalyana Mandapam, Tirupati under the Presidentship of Presidents of Gr.C., P-4 & GDS unions.

Smt. Sai Nirmala, Prop. of Kalyana Mandapam, Com.Kandarapu Mulari (CITU) attended as Chief Guests for the Conference.

Com.K.V.Sridharan, Former Leader, JCM (Staffside) & General Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C invited as Guest of Honour and addressed the conference by narrating various issues related to staffside, 7th CPC & GDS in an elaborated way. 

Hon'ble Guest Sri T.A.V.Sharma, Supdt. of Post Offices, Tirupati Division attended and graced the meeting with much appreciation on the cooperation of the Staff caused to place the division in first position in the Region.

Com.Sk.Humayun,  Circle Secretary, P-4 & Former All India President(CHQ), Com.K.Chandra Sekhar, Asst. General Secretary P4(CHQ), Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Com.K.Sudhakar, Asst. Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C., Com.J.Madhusudanrao, Circle Secretary, R-III., Com.Y.Nagabhushanam, working President, AIPCPCCWF., Com.K.Purushottam Reddy, Convener, Middle Class Employees Coordination Committee, E.M.Kannaiah Naidu, Orgg. Circle Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Com.V.Sudhakarnaidu, Council member, Gr.C., Com.M.Sugunamma, Chairperson, Mahila subcommittee, Tirupati, Com.G.C. Narasimhulu, Veteran Leader (TN) and NFPE leaders of P3, P4, R3, R4 of Branches and Chittor division also attended and witnessed the conference.

On the eve of Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of NFPE, Sri Sk.Ameer, (1960 strike participants) Retd. SPOs., and veteran leaders Com.V.K.Naidu, Com.B.Yellappa were felicitated.

Prizes were distributed by the leaders to the participants of various events of sports & athletics conducted among the staff in the Division.  

More than 400 delegates attended and paid keen attention to the deliberations of the leaders. The arrangements made by the reception committee deserves all appreciation and the conference is concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Com.B.Sridharbabu, Divisional Secretary, Tirupati.

A new set of office bearers were elected for AIPEU Gr.C., AIPEU PM&Gr.D/MTS & AIPEU GDS (NFPE) & MMSEU unanimously for the ensuing period.