Monday, April 28, 2014


A joint divisional conference of AIPEU Gr.C., AIPEU PM&MTS/Gr.D & AIPEU GDS (NFPE) has been held on 27th April 2014 in Bapuji Kalamandir, Srikakulam Town.

The meeting presided by Com.Veerabhadrarao, Com.B.Gouri, Com.V.S.R.Murthy Naidu, Presidents of Gr.C., P4 & GDS respectively.

Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS(NFPE),Com.K.Narayanarao, President, AIPEU Gr.C., A.P Circle, Com.D.A.S.V.Prasad, Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C., Com.M.Nageswararao, Asst. Circle Secretary, Gr.C are attended and addressed.

Shri J.Prasadbabu, Supdt. of Post Offices, Srikakulam Division attended as Chief Guest and addressed the conference.

Com.V.G.K.Murthy, General Secretary, CITU inaugurated the conference. Com.Venkatarao Panigrahi, Secretary, Telecom Officers Association, Srikakulam graced the meeting.

Divisional Secretaries of NFPE Unions, Com.D.K.Naidu, Former President, Gr.C., and many other leaders witnessed the divisional conference.

The delegatesnexpressed their deep grief and condolences on the demise of Com.T.Apparao, President, AIPEU GDS (NFPE) and other departed comrades of the division. 

Com.Chakrapani, Former Divisional President, P4 & Mail Overseer felicitated by the Reception Committee & Chief guests of the meeting on his retirement.

More than 300 GDS comrades attended and some participated in the deliberations on various issues related to organization and GDS problems.

General Secretary made an interaction with GDS comrades to clear all their doubts regarding organization and pay commission issues.

A set of new office bearers were elected uanimously for the ensuing period for the divisional Unions.

President : V.S.R.Murthy Naidu
Secretary: V.Vijayakrishna
Fin.Secy : M.V.Jayarao.