Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The AIPEU Gr.C (CHQ) has conducted a National Level Workshop for two days (26th & 27th of May, 2014) in Shah Auditorium, New Delhi - 110 054.
On 26th the Workship inaugurated by Com.K.K.N.Kutty, President, CCGEW. Com.S.K.Vyas, Patron & Advisor for CCGEW also attended as Guest of Honour and graced the session.
Shri Alok Saksena, DDG invited as Chief Guest and delivered speech on the important issues to be focused in the Memorandum submitted to 7th CPC.
About 300 comrades representing from all Circles in the country and participated in the discussion with constructive deliberations along with suggestions to include in the memorandum. NFPE Office bearers, Gr.C CHQ office bearers, Circle Secretaries were witnessed the session.
Com. M.Krishnan, General Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C presented the memorandum by reading in the sessions and opened for discussion.
Com.K.V.Sridharan, former General Secretary & Leader, JCM Staffside also present and made all his contributions in the discussion part of the memorandum.
Com.R.Sivannarayana, President, Gr.C CHQ presided the work shop in a delightful manner.
Com.Vrigu Bhattacharya, Confederation Leader, Com.Giriraj Singh, President NFPE & General Secretary, R-III, Com.Seetha lakshmi, General Secretary, P-IV, Com.P.Suresh, General Secretary, R-IV., Com.V.K.Tiway, General Secretary, AIPSBCOEA., Com.B.G.Thamhankar, former President NFPE & Gr.C(CHQ)  Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS(NFPE) were also present.

The  two days Work Shop concluded on 27th evening at 05-30 pm with the vote of thanks offered by com.N.Subramanyan, Dy General Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C (CHQ).