Sunday, June 8, 2014


A successful convention of AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Karnataka Circle has been held on 08-06-2014 in Yediyur near Tumkur, Karnataka Circle. The meeting presided by Com.Chandrasekhar, President, AIPEU Gr.C., and D.C.Thataiah as a joint Presidium. The Convention is organized by Com.B.R.Jagdeesh, Assistant General (CHQ) and Com.Kalpesh, Circle Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE).

Com.R.Seethalakshmi, General Secretary, AIPEU Postman & MTS and Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS(NFPE) invited as Chief guests, Com.Janakiram, Circle Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C as guest of honour.

Shri Shivakumaraiah, Officer of the Shri Siddilingeswara Swamy Devasthanam made a welcome speech and inaugurated the convention.

Com.Muthukumar, Veteran Leader, Karnataka Circle, Com.Shailesh Kumar, Asst. Circle Secretary, Gr.C., Com. Smt. Bharathi, Circle Secretary, AIP AOEU, Com.Smt. Chandramma Lingaraju, AIPAEA & SC/ST Association, Com.Krishna Murthy, SC/ST Association, Com.R.Santha, Writer & Social Worker, Com.Sundaraiah, P4, Mysore, Com.B.Veerannashetty, P4.,  and many other leaders of  NFPE unions of Karnataka Circle attended and addressed the meeting.

About 300 GDS comrades representing form 18 divisions participated in the convention. All the leaders and Comrades assured to extend full cooperation and support to the AIPEU GDS (NFPE) and all GDS comrades of Karnataka besides decided to form the GDS Union in all the Divisions with in a time frame.

A website for AIPEU GDS (NFPE) has been launched >< to serve the GDS comrades with update information.

Com.Bettaiah (Retd. Gr.C), Com.B.R.Jagdeesh, Com.K.Kalpesh, Com.D.C.Thataiah, Divl. Secretary and their team deserves all appreciation for organizing such a successful meeting in Yediyur.

The Convention concluded with the offering of vote of thanks by Com.B.Veerannashetty.


AIPEU GDS (NFPE) CHQ conveys its heartfelt greetings and congratulations to the Leaders of NFPE unions and comrades of Karnataka Circle for extending their support to  CHQ.