Thursday, July 24, 2014

1st All India Conference of AIPRPA

The 1st Annual General body Meeting of All India Postal RMS Pensioners Association has been held on 19th & 20th of July 2014 in Vellore, Tamil Nadu.

The  AIC has elected Comrades C.C.Pillai (Ex-SG NFPE) and K.V.Sridharan (Ex- GS P3 NFPE) as Advisors and the following Comrades as the office bearers of the CHQ for the ensuing term:

Chairman:                           Com.D.K.Rahate (Maharashtra)
Vice Chairman:                  Com.T.Narasimhan (Telengana)
                                                Com.T.P.Mishra (UP)
                                                Com.G.C.Joshi (MP)
General Secretary:          Com.K.Ragavendran (TN)
Deputy General Secy:    Com.Surinderpal (Punjab)
Asst.Gen Secretaries:    Com.N.C.Pillai (Kerala)
                                                Com.B.M.Sunda (Rajasthan)
                                                Com.R.N.Dhal (Odisha)
                                                Com.S.K.Humayun (AP)
Finance Secretary:           Com.Sankarpal Singh (Delhi)
Asst.Fin Secretary:          Com.N.D.Sharma (Himachal)
Org Gen.Secretaries:      Com.Amaresh Thakur (Bihar)
                                                Com.Y.Nagabhushanam (AP)
                                                Com.CH.V.Ramarao (Telengana)
                                                Com.Rajendra Prasad Verma (Delhi)
                                                Com.H.V.Kurup (Kerala)
                                                Com.V.Janakiraman (Karnataka)
                                                Com.Shanmuga Sundar Raja (TN)
CMC Members:                   All State General Secretaries.

For full details of the conference please visit :