Saturday, August 30, 2014

Deletion of Rules relating to Telegraphic Money Order etc –

F. No. 1 – 1 / 2013 -PO
Ministry of Communications & lT
Department of Posts
PO Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi 110001
Dated 15/08/2014
1.     AII Heads of Circles
2.     All Postmaster Generals
3.     Director RAKNPA Ghaziabad
4.     Director, all Postal Training centres
5.     Addl. Directorate General of APS

Subject: Deletion of Rules relating to Telegraphic Money Order etc – 

Under the provision of the Indian Post Rules 1933, 

(i)                the heading " Telegraphic Money Order occurring after Rule 126 and the Rule 127 to 142 there under shall be deleted 

(ii)               the heading " Telegraphic Foreign Money Order, occurring after Rule 156 and the Rule 157 to174 shall be deleted 

(iii)             In Rule 190 "Note 3" shall be deleted 

These rules comes into effect immediately. A copy of the Gazette Notification No. 366 (E) dated 28th May 2014 deleting the above mentioned rules is enclosed for information and necessary action.

This may be brought to the notice of all the concerned for strict compliance.

The receipt of the same may kindly be acknowledged.
Encl: as above
(T Q Mohammed)
