Monday, September 1, 2014


The 8th Biennial conference was held jointly with AIPEU, Postman/MTS & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) unions from 16.08.2014 to 17.08.2014. Near about more than 200 comrades from all corners of the District attended the conference as well as the open session held on 17.08.2014 at 1100 hours at Gujurati Samaj Bhawan, Keonjhargarh. Never in the past such a huge participation was witnessed by anyone in the history of Keonjhar Divisional Branch.

Com. Sharat Chandra Patra, Divisional President, AIPEU, Group-C presided over the meeting. 

Com. Arun Das, Secretary, CPI (M) Local committee, Com. Girija Mishra, Advocate, secretary, CITU District Committee, Com. Ramesh Chandra Mishra, Circle secretary & Vice president (CHQ), Com. Debabrata Mohanty, Circle secretary, AIPEU, Postman/ MTS & Com. Pasayat, Circle Assistant Secretary, AIPEU-GDS (NFPE) were the speakers of honour in the open session. 

The open session was inaugurated by Smt. Mina Majhi, Chairman, Keonjhargarh  Municipality with lighting candles as Chief Guest. Sri Krutartha Behera, Superintendent of Post Offices, Keonjhar Division had graced the occasion as guest of honour, who praised the honesty and dutifulness of the postal employees.

Com. R.C. Mishra delivered his beautiful oration as Chief Speaker on the role of the union in the present political scenario and on the adverse impact of neoliberal policies of the Government on the employees and the need for further united struggle with the working class to save the nation.

Com. Kirtti Chandra Das, Ex-Organizing secretary of Odisha Circle branch & the secretary Reception committee delivered vote of thanks, followed by International progressive song by the comrades.

A new set of office bearers were elected unanimously for the divisional unions of Keonjhar for the ensuing period.