Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Postal JCA Dharna on 24-09-2014

Congratulations and thanks to all GDS comrades for the grand success of Dharna infront of all divisional offices. A very good reports have received from all corners of the country that the call given by Postal JCA on 39 Charter of demands has been observed by conducting Dharna infront of all Divisional offices.

The General Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE) attended Dharna in Tirupati (AP) and addressed in the meeting. NFPE leaders viz., Com.B.Sridhar Babu, Orgg. Circle Secretary, Gr.C., Com.Ventarathnam reddy, Circle Office bearer of P4 Union, Com.Kumaraswamy reddy, R3 (CHQ) and NFPE leaders from Srikalahashi, Piler, Puttur, Vayalpadu were also attended. Com.Kandarapu Murali, Dist. Secretary, CITU invited as Cheif Guest and addressed the Dharna.